Box stores invading your hometown? Villagers can look forward to low prices and huge quantity, but at what price? Exactly how much quality are consumers willing to give up in order to save a few measley moolah? We're not necessarily talking about product quality here, we're talking quality of life for the people who actually live in and take pride in the village, not to mention its niche business owners. Besides, if the soda is ten times your body weight, who knows what the carbonation will do to ya- probably blow ya half way around the continent! No thanks! Reported by D.D. Staff.
(Mudos)   That's right - it's time to leave that drab loin cloth - only look for something a weency bit more fabulous! Every MetroMud knows that in order to create a more polished look, you've got to throw in a necklace ortwo, maybe a bag, open-toed shoes, and any type of hair accessory or hat is an absolute must! Take it from us and don't get left in the dust - accessories are THE thing for next spring!

(FUD)   A local resident has filed larceny charges against several individuals for what is believed to be language offensive to her ancestry and appearance. "Every time I go outside I hear talk about how I look and it ain't right! I may not have anything better to do, but I got a right to be outside jes like everyone else!" .
Because of massive speculation as to whether the female gender even exists in Mudos, experts have been called in to research the situation more fully. "What do I have to do, lay an egg?" was the defendant's only response.

Inhabitants Get R & R at Recent Picnic
Inhabitants gathered with family and coworkers last month for a lovely afternoon of SpooceTossing and Mudfoolery. Full grown muds frolicked like hatchlings. Hatchlings ate too many treats, and nobody cared. Some even camped overnight, sharing in tasty food and friendly company. All were impressed by Buddy's barbecue skillz. People still wonder if that really was Meech or not.

By Crig the Slig

It seems a diet rich in Meech and low in products made from your own species has helped the infamous Buddy reach his long-time goal weight. The real question now is, can he keep the long-time goal for the long term? With Meech being extinct for years now, doctors wonder if he is even eating at all. Skeptics say no. Buddy says, "Pass the Meech please!"

Whether it's boredom, anxiety or abuse from the past is unknown. But something from this tortured soul has prompted him to conjure up sentimental, maternal markings and display them all over urban Mudos. Rumor has it that the troublemaker Abe has been on hiatus, sorting out his personal affairs. One can't help but wonder if this is his desperate cry for help. After all, who wouldn't break down after all of those people asking all of those questions about your mother and dysfunctional family life? Poor little schmuck.