
Oddworld's Inhabitants are as diverse as the world they've worked together to create. Here's where you'll find interviews and other informative articles spotlighting the many creative folk that work at Oddworld Inhabitants. Be they headline players or behind-the-scenes heroes, the Inhabitants profiled here all share Oddworld's ceaseless dedication to bringing you the best worlds and games that you've ever experienced.

Mark Lee,   Programmer

Q:  What's your background?

ML:  I was born and raised in Dublin, Ireland. I got a degree in computer science over there. Before starting at Oddworld, I worked at Funcom Dublin Ltd. which has since closed down. I like to think that didn't have too much to do with me .

Q:   What do you like to do when you're not at work?

ML: I try and spend as much time as I can outdoors since the weather is so beautiful here. I talk with my family regularly, who are still living in Ireland. This keeps my appreciation for the SLO weather in check. When indoors, I like playing poker, pool, music, recreational coding and watching movies. I've also been known to play computer games now and then. SLO is a quiet town during the week, but nightlife picks up over the weekend so I can usually be found downtown on a Friday night.

Q: What CDs are you currently listening too?

ML:   CD's??? It's all about MP3s these days. I've been taken over by the MP3 bug and enjoy trawling the net for old favorites. My preference is older rock/guitar/alternative stuff from the 90's - the soundtrack to my youth. At the moment I'm listening to Dweezil Zappa and an Irish band called "Turn" who are really awesome.

Q:  What book are you currently reading?

ML:  Book-wise, there always seems to be an ever rising stack which I never seem to be able to quite get through. I'll be a geek and admit that they are mainly computer books. As for non-computer related books, I am reading Kurt Vonngut's "Cat's Cradle" at the moment.

Q:  What kind of a place is Oddworld?

ML:  A wonderful magical place with pools tables, regular parties, bagels and some rather odd art on the walls ...

Q:  What is a typical day like for you?

ML:  Come in between 9:30 and 10:30. Drink some coffee and read email whilst compiling the latest build of the game in the background... slag fellow programmer, Marc a bit ... wait until the coffee has kicked in and then get down to some serious work... take a break to try and appreciate Aaron's daily changing desktop wallpaper, talk to Charles or Dave about a few technical issues... work until about 6:30-7:00 ... after work, teach Bernd how to play pool ... go home thinking I really need to get to bed earlier tonight ...

Q:  What do you like best about coming to work?

ML:   It's a great and inspiring atmosphere at work. It just fun to come in and I look forward to the technical challenges each new day brings. I suppose the worst part will be the overtime (read all-nighters and all-weekenders) coming up to deadlines. I've yet to experience these working in Oddworld but I've heard the horror stories...

Q:  If you could change jobs with one of the other Inhabitants who would it be and why?

ML:   Michael Bross, our in-house composer and sound designer. I used to play guitar a lot and tinker around with midi sequencers and music. Michael gets to do that all day long. Plus he's got his own sound proofed studio so he could be hosting parties in there, blasting out tunes at full volume and everyone else thinks he's just working away.

Q:  What at Oddworld are you most proud of?

ML:  I love the fact that everything Oddworld does just oozes quality. It feels good to work for one of the most respected game companies in the industry.

Q:  Many fans are upset with Oddworld's decision to develop for the Xbox exclusively. Any comments?

ML:  At the end of the day the games will be stronger because of the Xbox decision. Enough said! More time spent making the game, less time spent battling with the hardware.

Q:  What advice would you give someone trying to break into games? What type of education does someone need to do your job?

ML:  You gotta love coding. I think enthusiasm for coding is the most important thing. My advice would be to get a degree in mathematics/physics and try build up a portfolio of your own code/demos in your spare time. Competent programmers are tough to find and there is a big demand out there so if you are good it's not too hard to get a job.

Q:  Who is your favorite Oddworld character? Why?

ML:   Munch - it's just such original character design... And the idea to put him in a wheelchair - it's warped - the idea that the protagonist of the game pushes himself around in a wheelchair. Pure genius! I love it! Having said that, there are some very cool characters in the works at the moment for the next game but you'll have to wait and see those.

Q:  Can you tell us anything about the new game or what you are working on right now?

ML:   The new game is full of the quirky OW sense of humor but at the same time a bit of a departure story-wise from previous games. We have a killer team working on this game and it's coming together pretty fast. I am working on the animation/rendering systems at the moment - the characters in the next game will look a LOT more alive.The End

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