Dear Alf |
![]() Q: Can Munch talk and if so will it be the same as Abe? Alf: Munch speaks, he is a simpler creature than Abe, and his speech is simpler, as well. Q: I was wondering, since Munch is the last of his species, how will he reproduce without others of his species? Does he even need another Gabbit to reproduce? Is he a hermaphrodite or something? Alf: One word: Gabbiar! Q: : Are there going to be any babies in Oddworld Munch's Oddysee like baby elums, scrabs, paramites or any other babies? Alf: Not in Munch's Oddysee, but various Oddworld grubs may feature in future games. Q: Can you in Munch's Oddysee morph into the sligs , scrabs ,... like in Abe's Oddysee and Abe's Exoddus ? Alf: If by "morph" you mean "possess", then yes. If by "morph"you mean "change into the Shyrkull,"then maybe. If by "morph" you mean "Murph," the guy who works at the filling station, then I can't help you. Q: Are there females of your kind ?
Please answer the questions and keep up the good work
and keep it ODD ;-)
Q: You still haven't replied to my last message and I'm getting a little
___ off. I live in Sydney, Australia and I'm wondering when Munch's
Oddysee will be released here. Could you tell me?
Q: When will Hand of ODD will be released?
Q: Is Alf's Rehab & Tea a separate game or part of Munch's Oddysee ?
Q: You mean to tell me that all Mudokons, Glukkons, and Sligs come from their own queen? So, you have never experienced the joys of love and sex. I pity you!
Q: How come Abe is blue and you, along with all the other Mudokons, are green?
Q: What will happen if both Paramites and Scrabs meet?
Q: Man! I just looked at the munch demo video off fileplanet... it's amazing! i love it, the camera zooms in on the back of munch's skull and i still can't detect a pixel. How often do you think you'll be posting new videos on your site as the release date nears?
Q: How big are the characters in Oddworld compared to humans?
Q: The Oddworld games are the best games ever made. I have finished them all in
everyway. When I heard Munch's Oddysee was coming out for PS2, I scrambled to get one. Now the game moves to XBox. In your Mission Statement, it says
that you people want to get Oddworld into every home. How will that be
possible for PS2 owners?
Q: I'm very disappointed right about now its been called to my attention that I haven't seen or heard anything about those loveable creatures the slogs. Please say they aren't gone and don't you dare say the fleeches have taken there place. Please don't disappoint us!
Q: I am making a model of munch but I can't do the back part of him could you send me a back front and side picture of munch I am SORRY I am bugging you but please alf, I'm your biggest fan.
Q: : When Molluck loses his clothes does he have has 2 big arms or 2 big legs
because they only show it for a second I know that there are 2 small ones.
Q: : Hey Alf ,will there be any Mudokon freeing in Munch's Oddysee?
Can you please tell who or what is The Magog Cartel?
Q: Is it pronounced as "Munch" as in *The sound of someone eating*, or "Munch" as what it may be pronounced in German with a bit of the short *oo* sound?
Q: : There was a question on "nice" sligs. Well, if "A grub here or there manages to slip through the 'system'", who would care for it?
Sligs are born without legs yes? If growning up from grubs (?) and walking with their hands, would they develop arms like the Glukkons? (Keeping in mind the "pants-spoiled" Sligs drag themselves- they didn't grow up developing "their" arms)
Q: In Abe's Exoddus, Elum isn't in the game! I was shocked! What happened to him, and is he in Munch's Oddysee?
Q: What about Habitales and Farietales series? |