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Dear Alf

They say the only dumb question is the one that doesn't get asked. Well, I beg to differ. The dumb question is the one that gets asked OVER AND OVER AGAIN! So, before you write, check our list of Most Frequently Asked Questions

Q:   Do sligs have other weapons like handguns and knives or swords they can use or could they be tough to use hand to hand combat ? Also do they have tanks they can drive? -Cheese Deamon

Alf:  Enh... I think guns are enough, don't you? Aw, nuts...looks like you spoke too loud, maybe they'll get an idea or two, dag-nabbit.

Q:   I was wondering, why can't Vykkers, Interns and sligs attack the Glukkon slobs and steal their Moolah? And if this hasn't been heard to them could you send it? -Chris90

Alf:  Well, for one thing, WHO NEEDS MOOLAH WHEN YOU DON'T BUY STUFF? All the rubies in the world don't matter when you live off the land very nicely, kiddo.

Q:   I have some Q'z if you don't mind answering them for me: Do you visit the Oddworld Forums a lot? Thanx for reading this email and I will look forward to hearing from you soon. Replies will be greatly appreciated although I understand if I don't get them straight away. Thanx again. Sincerely Chris

Alf:  Every once in a while, while surfing the web for new tea flavors, I accidentally end up in one of those crazy forums. I sort of enjoy the Oddworld forums, but some of those other ones, they make me feel funny.

Q:   Helloooo Alf! I am your biggest fan of you, your tea, and your wisdom. So, I've got a few questions for you, how the heck can you get our e-mails if you don't live anywhere near our planet? Can you give me some info on this "expresso" drink? (sounds like coffee to me!) And,inspired by your greatness opened my own Tea shop with my own special tea made with my own special ingredients, so I was wondering if you could give me some tips for when the pigions,!! customers come.Thanks a lot o great one! - Danny

Alf:  Steep! Steep! My little apprentice! And when you are done steeping, steep some more!!!!

Q:   I have noticed that in Abe's Exoddus that walking and crawling sligs still have visors and flying sligs have two eyes why is that? - Jason

Alf:  Sneaky li'l devils! I would think their beady little eyes have been modified to be better at flying, etc. Yuck. I can't even stand glasses.

Q:   Will the Meeches come out in any other Oddworld game? - Jonny E.

Alf:  Whaddaya mean? Onscreen? The way I remember it is that the last box of Meech Munchies was shipped out of RuptureFarms during Abe's Oddysee. The meeches are an instinct species as far as we know. At least on the continent of Mudos that is.

Q:   I think its about time you guys told us a little about Munch's Exoddus, like a story line or some new characters? - Justin

Alf:  Coming attractions? ...This is the story of Abe, a geeky Mudokon who lives with his Aunt and Uncle. A freak accident miraculously grants him incredible cool insect-like abilities. Abe finds that there's a thin line between an ordinary Mud and an extraordinary hero; and he'll have to be the one to cross it. Stay tuned. Molluck, is a sleep-deprived Glukkon detective tracking down a murderer, but accidentally shoots his own partner. Huh, I mean... it's an adventure of a wild and rambunctious mustang stallion named Elum journeying through the untamed Mudos frontier... Oops!...Agents J and K (Abe and Munch) are back for more battles with alien rabble-rousers who take the form of a host of estrogen-charged extraterrestrials. Whaaa? The next game is set in mythic Middle Oddworld , a young mud named Abe inherits a magic ring from his elderly cousin Alfo . Take your pick!

Q:   Guten Tag Alf Sorry 'bout the foreign greeting, I was feeling bilingual today, but on to the serious stuff. It's about Mud's hands. They are huge compared to your bodies. I am willing to bet they weigh twenty-five pounds, and could be used to club Glukkon's brains out. I mean, they are giant. You could guide aircraft with them. I'm surprised that you aren't weighed down with them. My question: Why? Why do you need such abnormally large hands? -Kathleen

Alf:  To cuddle my abnormally large fuzzle at night. Well, to club something to death, you need a deadly attitude, things like that don't come easy to us peace-lovin' mudokon folk. I would prefer that maybe we just grab big bags of tea!

Q:   Can you please tell me a bit about those huge statues with the tusks in Necrum. thanks nate_dog

Alf:  The tusk statues are known as Guardians to the Mudokon inhabitants. Legend has it, that at one point in Oddworld's history they helped defend Necrum from invaders. However, all that is left of their presence in the modern Oddworld record is their fossilized remains.

Q:  I have a mess of Slig related questions here!!!!!! Lets see if you can answer some. 1. What is the name of the Slig valets name? is he the dude who wears the dress?

Alf:  The Emcee Slig.

Q:   Who is that cute Slig announcer? (call me crazy, but hey a girl could have some fantasies too ya know! -oof

Alf:  Whoof. Well, his name is (strangely enough) Slig Announcer. The reason these guys don't have personal names...well, they're trained to be servile to the Glukkons -- and you can't have individuality when that's the case!

Q:   What's the average life span of a paramite and a scrab? - Poltergiest

Alf:  It's really hard to get a hold of a paramite or a scrab for study. And really, I think I speak for most Mudokons when I say that I'd prefer a hot cup of tea to the scientific investigations of paramite and scrab life expectancies any day. But since you bring it up, I once heard a rumor of an alpha scrab that lived to be 80 years old!!! But maybe that was the brew talkinĂ•- you never know!

Q:   Hi Alf! I'm Robert and I was wondering why Abe has two paramite scars on his hands in Munch's Oddysee rather than one paramite scar and one scrab scar? I would also like to know why Scrabs and paramites sound different in Munch's Oddysee?

Alf:  .Well, as a close and personal friend of Abey's, I can tell you for certain he's got no such scars! He uses a secret blend of herbs and spooces to form a salve that cures all such ailments! The Scrab and Paramite tattoos from Abe's Oddysee remain the same.

Q:   I suppose I'll start the normal way... I own all 3 games and they r great. Outta this world, Oddworld is the best bunch of guys (and girls) around!!! Danke! But... We want a fleech comeback!!! Would it be possible for the fleeches in the sewer to get outta control and mutate and take over the real world and develop advanced communicating stuff and pose a new threat as flesh eating mutants and be weird and you get the picture? Just wondering and thanx for your time. - Rod

Alf:  .Eh... lemme think... is it possible? Yea.

Q:   Yo Alf whazzup, I just wanna know, at the end of Munch's Oddysee, who put the bombs in Vykkers labs? Was it the Fuzzles, or Lulu, or who? - Sean

Alf:  .YO! WhaaaatchDaMooooovieeeeee!!!!

Q:   Hello Alf the Knowledgeable, what's up? How come Abe turns into a bunch of birds whenever he is shot, crushed, ripped apart or blown up? Is their some sort of symbiotic relationship between Mudokons and birds that we don't know about? - The Radke's

Alf:  .We? No. More psychology, less biology my logic infested fan!

Q:   Hey Alf, I was wondering if Mudokons change their skin color to show their emotions at will or if it just happens when they get moody? For example: When an angry mudokon turns red does he do it on purpose to tell others to stay away or does it happen on its own? If you can change color at will, why is the common color green and why do the mudarchers and tomahawkers turn white? - The Radke's


Q:   Hey Alf. I had some nagging thoughts in the back of my mind, so I thought I'd give them to you. Hey y'all: Why have you classified the Raisin as 'wildlife'? I mean, he was born in North Mudos, doesn't that make him native? - nare k

Alf:  Can't you understand? It doesn't matter what side of Mudos you're born on. Everyone has their own special abilities and traits that make them special. Like narcolepsy. And... being all wrinkly. And incredibly... Large.. and fruity.

Q:   What's going on in that Meep Herder Village? Every time I kill a Meep, it just springs back to life again. Not that I'd want to kill them. Anyway, what tricks are those shepherds up to? Help me out here.

Alf:  It seems that someone or something on Oddworld has taken an affinity to protecting the Meep. Much in the same way Abe and Munch are brought back to life after dying the Meep are brought back to life too. The whole thing is quite a testament to the survival skills and fortitude of our little furry friends.

Q:   Oh yeah, Alf, where do you keep disappearing off to? You're with Abe in the Raisin's Cave, you're there again when you push him into the Big Well. Why can't you help your buddy instead of rushing off like that? No wonder you haven't got your own game, you keep chickening out. Still, that's all from Max, I'll catch ya later.

Alf:  Chickening out? Whatever! You gotta understand, that when a guy drinks as much tea as I do, well, when you gotta "go", you gotta go!!!!

Q:   What is the story or meaning behind the two little fetuses in the OW logo? -Xavier

Alf:  The twin fetuses have long since been absorbed into Oddworld lore. The caliper and test-tube motif for the Oddworld logo was created for a brochure for the 1999 E3 convention. At the time, we were working on two games simultaneously; Munch's Oddysee and Hand of Odd. As time went on and the gears of corporate commerce kept turning, Hand of Odd faded away and Munch's Oddysee became the sole focus of production. In the end, Oddworld gave birth to a kicking and screaming Munch's Oddysee only. This is the history of the twin fetuses.

'Till next time, this is the number one Mud that ain't no dud -- so when you have ONE question and need the direct line to information central, don't forget to ask:
What's it all about, Alfie?

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