Glukkon™ (executive class worker)

As a worker class Glukkon,
Molluck has no reproductive organs.


65 years

Expensive cigars, private dirigible, membership to the most expensive social clubs, Molluck had it made. He had climbed, back stabbed, and plotted his way to the top of the Glukkon business hierarchy. He was well respected and equally feared amongst his peers. He lived for business and dreamed of fulfilling his ultimate goal. He envisioned himself rising to the highest level of Glukkon status. Molluck was bound to create his very own brew and cigar labels.

As CEO of RuptureFarms 1029 and also CEO ofSoulStorm Brewery 401, Molluck was responsible for operations and product planning. It was his job to keep these Glukkon franchises profitable. He had worked his way up the corporate ladder since his first job as a Flub Fuels Fill Station manager.

Molluck spent his entire life pursuing the acquisition of wealth and status. He believed in working hard and he put in the hours. He was dedicated to his job, his mother, and the family ideals. He was the prodigal Glukkon son.


Attractive by Glukkon standards, he walks on his hands like most Executive Class Glukkons, and has awful cigar breath.