With crinkled skin, huge heads, beady eyes, four arms, and three legs, a Vykkers is beyond ugly. Hermaphroditic self-impregnating masters of weird science, each member of the Vykkers race is able to mate with itself to create offspring.
The Vykkers are the lowest of the low. They hang out only with each other, mostly because everyone else doesn't want to get near them. Believers in hard science and cold cash, the Vykkers are natural born corporate microscope slingers. They have amassed fortunes to become one of the wealthiest families in Mudos. Even though they develop all forms of consumer products, but they specifically love the specialized areas of gene splicing and animal testing. If any one species has been fortunate enough to love their job, it is certainly the Vykkers. Sadistic by nature, these guys manage to contrive all kinds of viable excuses if it means they can ultimately inflict pain through prolonged torture. Vykkers themselves have a very low tolerance for pain.
Continuing their technologies through the acquisition of wealth. The Vykkers are the only economic force that is reversed in its interests. All of the other business families of Mudos had first pursued wealth, then found and refined methods of acquiring it later on. For the Vykkers, they had originally found a craft that they loved, (the inflicting of pain on innocent victims) and desperately tried to figure out financial and legal means of validating their favorite practice. Their interest was not to become wealthy, their interest was to insure the ongoing practice of sick behavior without being put in jail. So they found ways of making their first love legal, than later became rich as an unexpected result.
Although the Vykkers have developed high demands for their services and consumer products, they have also managed to gross out a great deal of their corporate partners. Think nazi doctor, junk bondsman, and child molester all in one - and you're just getting warm. The Vykkers are oblivious to the perceptions and opinions of others. They enjoy their work so much they don't bother to get caught up in "those little minds" of others. They love to cause suffering, but when the tables are turned, a Vykkers becomes a screaming coward. They have no sense of personal integrity, no sense of morals, nor any sense of loyalty.
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