Irwin and Humphrey Vykkers
Typical of Vykkers scientists are Irwin and Humphrey, the personal tormenters of Munch. Partners in sadism, Irwin and Humphrey are luxury-loving researchers who dream of having more time to design and test painful consumer products. It was Irwin and Humphrey who figured out how to turn the last Gabbit into a labor-saving critter-retrieving device with a little meatball brain surgery and some leftover vacuum tubes. Outsmarting themselves, Humphrey and Irwin inadvertently gave Munch the ability to escape their multiple clutches by freeing Fuzzles with his surgically altered brain pan.
Humphrey and Irwin are the CEOs and Co-Despots of the highly profitable and far-reaching global pharmaceutical conglomerate, Vykkers Labs.
Vykkers Labs It all started when two Vykkers with a love for experimentation and a knack for technology set out to make their dreams come true. Neither Humphrey nor Irwin set out to amass great wealth. It was their passion for the suffering of those pesky creatures (i.e. every other living thing) that drove them to create newer, better, more pleasantly addictive, and occasionally effective products. Humphrey and Irwin Vykkers knew that together they could bring experimentation to the forefront of modern science, as long as they stuck together. Now 6 billion Moolah strong, Vykkers Lab ranks among the leading consumer processed food and pharmaceutical companies in all of Mudos. Creating top of the line products has truly given Vykkers a healthy bottom line.
To find out more about Vykkers Labs visit their website at
Headley, the Auctioneer In the snobby world of the Vykkers corporate auction house, innocent species are exploited to the highest bidder. This Vykkers surgeon has traded in his scalpel and scrubs for a bow tie and auction block. He may hide behind a monocle and a fake accent, but he is a twisted Vykkers minion through and through. Now, he derives sadistic satisfaction from inflicting pain on others' wallets instead of just their internal organs.
Auction Bidders
Highly affluent and snobby Vykkers are obsessed with cosmetic surgery and looking young. They keep up with the latest trends and only socialize with wealthiest Glukkons and Vykkers.
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