Vykkers Scientist
Average Life Span
up to 120 years
Anywhere they find convenient.
Scalpel juggling, scream therapy (others scream, they feel better), bunny bungie slamming, and creating genetic atrocities.
Believers in hard science and cold cash, the Vykkers are natural born corporate microscope slingers. They have amassed fortunes to become one of the wealthiest families in Mudos. They develop all forms of consumer products such as Butt-Flo, Baby Chow, Lungbusters, Chill Pill and Gum-Rot.
Primary Interest
Finding viable markets for consumer products that will ultimately be derived from new and improved forms of torture inflicted on innocent creatures.
Secondary Interest
Continuing their technologies through the acquisition of wealth.
Although the Vykkers have developed high demands for their services and consumer products, they have also managed to gross out a great deal of their corporate partners. So even though the Vykkers have made themselves necessary in the marketplace, and are also feared because of their extreme wealth and influence, there are very few families that wouldn’t love to throw every one of them into a recycler. Industrialists have often joked, "These guys give Glukkons the creeps."
Physical Traits
With crinkled skin, huge heads, beady eyes, four arms, and three legs, a Vykkers is beyond ugly.
Psychological Traits
They have no sense of personal integrity, no sense of morals, nor any sense of loyalty. They’re entire empire would easily crumble if not for their one incredible sense of bonding.This bonding between Vykkers does not come from love, or even species preservation, it comes from their relentlessly determined drive to preserve their sick and twisted business practices.
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