Slig (worker class), highly social
Super species
20 years
When not working, Sligs love to goof off.
They are highly social creatures and tend to feel safer when in large groups of their own kind.
They are sadistic by nature, love to hunt, abuse those under their management, play card games,
and create trouble. They are huge sports fans and love to gamble.
Sligs are leased out at birth as corporate security personnel.
They are given mechanical pants or wings, batons, tear gas, various types of weaponry, but are never taught to use any
of them all that effectively. They are easily impressed and even misled by anyone who sports larger or more exotic
weaponry than their own. Status is very important to Sligs.
The preservation of their jobs. If a Slig screws
up too many times his employer will file a report. These reports eventually find their way to the Slig Queen,
Skillya. If a Slig gets too many complaints filed, he will be fired. A Slig who’s been fired is brought before
Skillya. The details of what happens to a Slig after facing Skillya… are sketchy at best. It is rumored that
she has special recipes in how they should be served.
Sleeping. Sligs have a lousy work ethic and are hard to motivate.
They compete for remote guard locations. Not because they want to do a good job, but because they know there will be fewer
managers around and therefore they will be able to doze off more frequently.