Magog Motors
This heavily guarded plant is cooled by a pool of water under the main walkways. Produces the parts for all industrial vehicles from the blimpy spark plugs to exhaust pipes for Sligs. Power-up Munch on Zap and AquaBounce to knock out the sligs and BigBros from underneath or rain death from above by getting Abe to the bonepowder kegs on the upper level. Ultimately, your goal is to get to the glukkon who runs this plant. Once again, you have to convince him to part with his ill-gotten moolah.
Flub Fuels
The name says it all. Original designed to look like a giant fuel tank layed on it's side. This explosive fuel powers everything from Vykker Pods to Slig pants. Scrubs have been trapped in pens and are being guarded by armored sligs, BigBros, landmines, water mines and just all sorts of nastiness. Free the scrubs, clear out the enemies and move on.
FlubCo Executive Office
Home to the big cheese that oversees all of Flub Fuels, the Executive Office is a formidably guarded level. Sniper BigBros are awaiting your arrival and one misstep will land you in the drink. Use Munch to give the BigBros a little surprise from beneath, lead the scrubs to the rescue portal, and drop by the Big Cheese Glukkon to give him the gift of poverty.
Nothing better on which to raise a slog than delicious mudokon puppy treats. The Slog Hut was originally designed to look like a big slog. The large stained glass window graphic is decorative. In this level, Abe and Munch have to lead the scrub mudokons through a gauntlet of slogs and slig shooters to keep them from becoming sloggy chow.