
Latamire Munch is all that remains of the Gabbit race. Munch was born in the wild, where he swam with his family, a "pod" of Gabbits who were all hunted to extinction for their eggs. (Gabbit eggs are sold over the counter as "Gabbiar")

Munch is awkwardly mobile on land and far more agile in water. He usually looks innocent enough with extremely expressive eyes, but when pissed off, Munch growls and bears his teeth to reveal a frightening, even demonic-looking expression. The port in his head allows him to "possess" technology and free test animals from their cages. He can also use the sonar features of his skull port to hone in on those trapped critters if they happened to be hidden in obscure places.

After being lured into a Vykkers trap, Munch's main interest is to free himself of the horrors happening within the hull of Vykkers Labs and find his family. Being a highly social creature, Munch finds it necessary to seek out compatible friendships. Munch lives with the sneaking suspicion that he might, in fact, be the last of his kind. Since real world evidence has suggested that he just may be his species final living member. Consciously realizing the full impact of this possibility is far beyond the capabilities of such a young, socially needy creature. Thus, Munch has lived in denial. To avoid thinking about such disturbing subject matter, Munch tries to stay close to the comfort of others. Being around others makes him feel more safe and content. Company helps him to keep his mind from drifting into dark and disturbing territory. Unfortunately for Munch, the suppression of his fears manifests itself as a severe phobia. Munch has a terrible fear of being left alone.

Before being tricked, trapped, and captured by the Vykkers, Munch wandered the waters of Mudos in search of others of his kind. After his Vykkers Labs escape, Munch has been forced to return to Vykkers Labs in efforts to help Abe rescue the Mudokon Slaves and also recover the Last Can of Gabbiar.

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