Fan of the Month |
Name: William (aka Max the Mug) Age: 15 years old Location: Norwich, England Occupation Paperboy Favorite Film: Amelie Favorite food: While nothing tastes quite like the oozing flesh of a chilled Mudokon Pop, my absolute ideal meal would have to be a curry of some kind. Favorite video game? I'm not an avid video gamer, so Oddworld shines above the rest. Hobbies: A: I enjoy listening to music and creating it on my trombone. I've had a lot of fun (and frustration) trying to put up my website. And whenever I can, I like to draw stories and write pictures - Oddworld has been quite an inspiration in those two areas. Q: When did you first become aware of Oddworld? A: When I first played the demo of Abe's Oddysee on Boxing Day 1997. I instantly became attached to Abe and his story, and I loved the easy-to-understand gameplay. I got the full game Summer '98. Q: When did you first become a "true" Oddworld fanatic? A: I first realised that when I read about Abe's Exoddus in a magazine. I tried looking for Oddworld on the web, found and the GTI Forums. After a while I began posting under the username 'skELUMton'. Q: What is your favorite Oddworld character and why? A: It could only be Munch. I love his personality and determination, and I fully support the cause he fights for, so it's very easy for me to sympathise with him. He's also absolutely adorable! Q: What's your favorite environment? A: Necrum. It's just got a great atmosphere to it - the tall trees, the orange sky, the silent city. It seems like a very eerie but peaceful place, with a lot of history to it. Q: Who's your favorite bad guy? A : The Vykkers, as a whole, would be my favourite 'bad' guys. Their weird ways of doing business are both twisted and utterly hilarious, and Humphrey and Irwin are both delightful characters. Q: Have you finished Munch's Oddysee? A: I most certainly have, and with all four endings. Q: What did you learn through these games? A: I learned a lot through these games like courage, friendship, justice, cooperation and wisdom. Anyway, Play it ! Enjoy it ! and Power ups to the people! Q: Is there anything you would like to say to your fellow Oddworld fans? A: Aside from the customary cheering of "Stay Odd!", I want to apologise to everyone for taking such a long time getting The Oddworld Encyclopedia website up and running. I promise that work is still underway, so it's just a matter of time. Q: If you could ask Oddworld creator Lorne Lanning one question, what would it be? A: Could I have a job at Oddworld Inhabitants? -The End ![]() Map of Oddworld (1.1MB jpg - 1080 x 776) A Map of the planet of Oddworld in accordance to the Oddworld Quintology. |