Welcome to the official presence of SoulStorm Brew, the most delicious beverage in all of Oddworld! Whether you’re currently caught up in the Brew’s crippling addiction, or if you’re curious about joining the prestigious ranks of the Brew‐ophiles, this site is for you! Here, you’ll get a sneak peak at what’s going on in the world of the SoulStorm Brewery; in addition, we’ll give you the heads up on events and promotions being sponsored by us. So take a look around. And, if you’re a SoulStorm Brew virgin, be sure to head out to your local Brew stand when you’re done…you simply CANNOT go wrong with our ‘First One’s Free’ promotion.
SoulStorm Brew’s Good For You!
Product Info, with an analysis by noted Glukkon physician, Doctor Chester (just call ’im Chest) Payne. If you love the Brew like we love the Brew, you need to check this out!
SoulStorm Promotions/Sponsorships
We here at the SoulStorm Brewery are nothing if not civic‐minded…we like to give a little back (stress on the ‘little’) to the little people that have catapulted our product into the sales stratosphere. To that end, our Promotions/Sponsorships area is where you’ll find us engaged in a number of artistic and cultural endeavors, meant to improve the quality of your miserable lives!
Behind the Scenes
SoulStorm Brew Employee Happenings and Information.
The SoulStorm Brewery is about more than simply the production of the best beverage ever created on Oddworld; we’re also all about the people that work here! (sort of). If you’re interested in a behind the scenes look at the Brewery and the folks that toil here, then take a look inside…you just might be surprised. Excerpt(s) from SoulStorm Brewery Employee Handbook
‘I, Aslik’
An excerpt from the autobiography of SoulStorm Brewery’s VP Aslik.
‘Slav—er, Employee of the, uh, Moment!’
At random times throughout the year, the management at SoulStorm Brewery likes to make a half‐hearted attempt at helping their employees feel like more than grease in the cogs of a big corporate machine over which they have no control and under which they suffer daily. Sure, it’s a farce, but it usually boosts productivity by AT LEAST 2 or 3 % in the days following a new announcement. So here’s our Employee of the Moment!