Oddworld Fan Forums
This forum is supported and managed by the loyalest of Oddworld's fans. Technically not a "fan site", but a gathering place for fans of Odd.
Created by two forum vets, this news site searches the world for anything "Oddworld". Fast loading, clean graphics and crisp writing makes this site a bookmark on every fan's browser.
"The Oddworld Graphics Gallery" has just about every image ever published by Oddworld, nicely organized by a dedicated fan. Magnifique!
"The Oddworld Archives" is the "verbal" sibling to TOGG. Lots of features, diaries and news that are now long gone... can be found here! Thank you for organizing this jewel!
Oddworld Web
Fast, up-to-date, easy to use. The best Oddworld news site out there. A cofounder of Odd Chat and Oddworld Forums, this creative webmaster is devoted to everything ODD and the site remains on top.
Oddworld Universe
"Resistance is futile - The Odd will get you in the End" is the tag line for this site. It's got some pretty gutsy features like, "What might have been" and the intriguing "Ask Max". Information is thorough, well written and organized.
Oddipus Complex
Cool endings section for all Oddworld games. Oddworld inspired poetry and a new look at the meaning of "stich-lips" makes this site Oddly unique.
Drew's Oddworld Site
Clean, neat and orderly with that Oddworld twist. This site is replaces the popular Drews Slig Page. Easy to navigate and find all things Odd. We like it!
Oddworld Bird Portal
A really cool Spanish language site. It's has a very "graphic" look in blue and white with rock art graphics. The gallery section has images from all Oddworld games including the Gameboy series! Well organized, informative, fast loading, excellente! Muy bien!