Fan of the Month |
Age: Ten Occupation: Elodie: Primary School Student Hobbies: Elodie: Violin, Singing, Surfing (the internet), web designing and playing basketball. Favorite Film: Elodie: The Matrix How big is your family? pets? Elodie: I have 4 people in my family: Mum, Dad and my sister. Plus, we each have a guinea pig; mine is "Abby" and my sister's is "Gabby." Favorite Food/Candy: Elodie: Pizza. Wonker Gobstoppers Favorite School Subject: Elodie: English why? Because I love writing stories. That's one of the reasons I wrote a Oddworld Fan fiction. Favorite thing you like to do when you're not in school? Elodie: Scootering and going to the movies!! When did you first become aware of Oddworld? Elodie: At my cousins 11th birthday party, he started playing it when all the adults were talking. (I was scared of it then, but it was about 2 years ago.) When did you first become a true Oddworld fanatic? Elodie: Last year, when I met Kristen (AbeBabe)! What is your favorite Oddworld character and why? Elodie: Well, I like Sligs. I think they make funny sounds, and I like how you can possess them and blow them up! Favorite bad guy: Elodie: I like the Glukkons™! They walk funny in the game. Have you finished Abe's Exoddus? Elodie: Nearly! Why is it that a 10-year-old is so interested in computers and web design? Elodie: It's fun, basically. Just doing it for your own pleasure, and getting comments from people all over the world is pretty amazing. The fact that my mother is a teacher has nothing to do with it. Did you learn this at school or take a special class? Elodie: No, I didn't learn it at school and I didn't take a class (that would be SO boring).Actually, Kristen taught me web designing! I have always been interested, but I didn't know anyone who knew how to do it. How much time do you spend each week on your Oddworld fan site? Elodie: Zero hours on school time, and about 10 hours some days on the holidays. Also on the weekends I add stuff I find. Return to Archives |