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A few years ago, Oddworld honcho Lorne Lanning brought in a Tattoo magazine with a note that said, "There's a guy in here with an Abe tattoo!" The photo of Kris Kohls' Abe tattoo has graced the halls of Oddworld ever since. Coincidentally last November the tattoo was photographed (with Kris) at the Xbox Unleased event in L.A.! We were determined to locate Kris to find out what kinda fan would get an Abe tattoo? Well, we found him and he just happens to be the drummer for the red hot band ADEMA. Coolio! Name: Kris Kohls Age: 20 something Location: California Occupation: Drummer for ADEMA Favorite video game? Kris: Munch's Oddysee of course!!!!! : ] What do you like to do when you are not working? Kris: Well we just had a little time of for the holidays and i just finished Munch's Oddysee! I was so excited for it to finally come out that i played it for 5 days straight!!lol {lots of coffee} I was not dissapointed at all!!! It has by far became my favorite game!! I finished it with angelic quarma the first time!!!: ] When did you first become aware of Oddworld? Kris: I saw the cartoon or animation on MTV a long time ago!!! I remember I saw it only once or twice but it stuck in my head!I think it was like 1996 or '97? Can't quite remember!!! lol!!! Then when Abe's Oddysee came out I heard it was really cool so I bought a copy of it and started playing!!!!!! It actually refueled my love for video games!!!! I used to play a lot when I was a kid!!!! I grew up on Pac Man and Donkey Kong games like that. Anyway I absolutely fell in love with Oddworld and have been a true fan ever since!!! What is so special about Oddworld games? Kris: OH WOW!!!!! Where do I start??? I love the fact that it is completely unique and there are all these cool things happening that you have control of!!! You can possess sligs, slogs, paramites, scrabs, and glukkons!!! You tell other mudokons to follow you and they actually listen, at least most of the time! lol! I love that you actually control your own destiny in the game depending on how many mudokons you save controls whether you become a hero or a zero! You can fart ,burb,and then chant and possess someone! !!lol How cool is that????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I love it!!!! : ] Tell us about your Abe Tattoo. Kris: ABE RULES!!!!!!he is the coolest sci-fi character in the world!!!! AT the time I had just finished Abe's Exoddus and was really excited!!!!! I just really relate to Abe as a character!!! He is definitely one of my idols and he looks so cool!!!!! It was one of those spontaneous things where I had been up till 4 o'clock in the morning playing Abe's Exoddus. I finished the game went to bed and woke up thinking, hey I want to get ABE tatooed on my arm! So I did! The guy who tatooed it on me, Big John Rhodes was an Oddworld fan too, so it was a really cool experience!!! We just talked about the game the whole time and it did'nt even hurt at all!!! : ] What is your favorite Oddworld character and why? Kris: Definatley ABE!!!!!! Although Munch has grown on me big time!!!I have a space on my elbow and im gonna get Munch tattooed on it!!!That is my next tattoo!! : ] I Love the fact that Abe seems so innocent and sometimes clueless!lol but he is actually this amazing leader and protecter!!!!!!He is an icon! And Munch has that same kind of feel! Because they are so cute and innocent they give you the idea you can walk all over them!! But just try it and they will f@@k you up!!!!!lol! Abe has that pretend your weak when your strong thing going!!!!I like that!!! I love when he chants too!!!!! Our singer Marky does the Abe chant to warm up before shows!!!!He sounds exactly like him, it's the coolest thing I've ever heard!!!! : ] except for our music of course!!!lol!!!!I identify with Abe so much sometimes I can't figure out if he is fiction or real!!!lol!!! I want to hang out with him and have a beer!!!!! He is definitely a true hero!!!!!!!!!! Favorite bad guy? Kris: It used to be Molluck!!!! Now it's Glockstar!!!! Glukkons are just great bad guys!! It's so rad that they dress like pimps!!!And I love how Munch's Oddysee expands on that!!!!I love the whole Lulu's fund thing!!!:] That is so cool!!!! Pud, Chump, WannaBe, Big Cheese! They are all cool!!!! And taking there money to buy gabbiar was a pleasure! What's your favorite environment? Kris: i would have to say Vykkers Suites!!!!! The Vykkers' are crazy looking!!!!! I love all those big chunks of meat laying on tables and stuff!!! I also love the different parts where you can pick up your enemies with those cranes and drop them on that suction thing that pulls them into those big fan blades and chops them too pieces!!! : ] Very clever!!!! Have you finished Munch's Oddysee? Kris: So far i have only played Munch's Oddysee and it is definitely my favorite game!!! The graphics are amazing! We got an Xbox for the tour bus as well so we will be playing it all the time!!!! So far I am totally loving it !!!!I cant wait for the series of Oddworld games!!! I heard there is gonna be like 5 or 6 for Xbox!!! Is that true!!!! When does the next one come out!!!? I'm losing my mind I NEED IT NOW!!!!!!!! ODDWORLD ODDWORLD ODDWORLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Anything you would like to say to your fellow Oddworld fans? Kris: Hello! Follow me!!!!! ![]() For more information about ADEMA and their debut CD on Arista Records, check out |