Fan of the Month |
Name: Martin T. Age: 29 years old. Location: Midlands, UK Occupation Project Administrator Favorite Film: Too many to choose from - at the moment I'd say Attack of the Clones. So when do we get to see Oddworld: The Glukkon Strikes Back? Favorite food: Taco's - lots of them! Or possibly Mudukon-burgers. Favorite video game? Other than Oddworld? - Pusher ( I'm the high-score king), Severance, TOCA2, Command & Conquer, and Chuckie Egg ( if only I still had an Acorn Electron - the world would seem a betterplace! ) Hobbies: A: Sculpting & model-making; indoor gardening (my living room is a jungle); slog training. Q: When did you first become aware of Oddworld? A: About three or four years ago, when I first got my pc. Abe's Oddysee was one of the first games I bought, and I loved it. I spent as long getting Abe to make rude noises as I did playing the game. Then I spent a long time watching the movie sequence at the beginning of Exoddus ( I completed the game within a day - far too easy! ) Q: When did you first become a "true" Oddworld fanatic? A: As soon as I recognized that the humour was very similar to my own! And also that I make many of the same noises as Abe - usually in embarrassing places, like lifts, crowded restaurants, etc! - I mean whistling, of course! My girlfriend is an Oddworld fan, too - she's trained her pet budgies to respond to the Slig commands "Here Boy", and "Get 'em" - usually while I'm around, which is a little worrying. Q: How many sculptures have you done of Oddworld creatures? Tell us about being an artist. A: I've only made two Oddworld sculptures, the Glukkon, and the Slog. I had intended to sculpt Abe as well, but other commitments forced me to postpone that one. I'd still like to go back to it - maybe make a mini Mount Rushmore using the Oddworld characters. Really, I sculpt whatever can hold my interest for a couple of weeks, which is why there's an odd assortment on my website. The dragon project has been ongoing now for two years, and I just haven't had either time or motivation to complete it! I'm intending to start using a polymer-based clay (super-sculpey) rather than Das Pronto air-drying clay. The polymer stuff is cleaner, and gives much better surface detail and texture, and I've really reached the limits of what Das Pronto can do. The polymer clays use different techniques than would be used with the air-drying clays, so I'll have a lot of learning ahead of me. I had the slog sculpture standing on my desk at work for quite a while, and many people were very interested in it - especially one woman who keeps ferrets as pets. Q: What is your favorite Oddworld character and why? A: That's a very tricky question. I love the mindlessly thuggish Sligs, and the ruthlessly scheming Glukkons. The Slogs are great, and I've ordered one from my local pet shop (the manager thinks I'm a loony, but was happy to take a deposit!). I think I like the bad guys, more than the good guys, but some of the other creatures are great fun - especially Abe's two-legged camel thing (I can't remember what it was called! ) Q: What's your favorite environment? A: I really enjoyed the meat-packing plant with all the machine-gun toting sligs, trapdoors, and slaves to rescue (or lead into meat-grinders - delete as applicable!) I also enjoyed the jungle areas in Oddysee, where Abe learns to be an Oddworld Buddhist - Ohmmmmmmm! Q: Who's your favorite bad guy? A : So many bad guys to choose from, but I would have to plump for the Glukkons. I once had a boss who had a similar attitude towards his employees, and I once had a girlfriend who looked like a Glukkon - right down to the purple-tinged skin and yellow-eyes. Thankfully, this relationship was not to be! I especially enjoyed taking control of a Glukkon, and barking orders at Sligs. I think I'll take a course in management skills. Q: Have you finished Munch's Oddysee? A: I must admit - I don't have a copy of Munch's Oddysee. Is it available for the pc? I very much hope so! Q: Is there anything you would like to say to your fellow Oddworld fans? A: Remember - Oddworld is not as Odd as Realworld. And Realworld is not as real as Oddworld. Is that a deep philosophical attitude, or just a load of "pharpp!!"??? Q: If you could ask Oddworld creator Lorne Lanning one question, what would it be? A: I have heard whisperings of an Oddworld movie - How true are the rumours, and can I have a bit-part, please? Please, please, please??? Many thanks for the opportunity to unburden my strange and unusual opinions! -The End ![]() ![]() Check out Martin's website at: Martin's Sculptures Gallery |