· Conversing with Townsfolk and Natives to get info.
· Always visit the General Store after you finish a bounty, that's usually when their shipment of new goods comes in.
· Make sure you stock up on ammo before tracking down a bounty, otherwise you'll have to use whatever critters you can scrounge up on the way.
· Outlaws are strange folk and trust no one, they often hide moolah in crates and barrels so crack 'em open whenever you can.
· Dead Outlaws tend to disintegrate quickly out in the desert, if you just killed one and you want the money for bountying them dead, you better bag 'em quick.
· Don't be afraid to retreat! If you're feeling pinned down, switch to 3rd person and run away. Remember that you're third person run is up to 3 times faster than you can move in 1st person view. This allows you to retreat to more strategic ground if you find yourself overwhelmed by enemies. Sometimes the best strategy for an area teeming with outlaws is a hasty exit back the way you came. It also allows you to cover more territory faster when moving from one location to another.
· If peaking around corners, remember that your 3rd person camera can really help you to spy around while not being spotted by enemies! If you peak around corners in 1st person view, you are more prone to being spotted!
· Whenever you're in town, chat with the locals. They say the strangest things, and sometimes they're even helpful. They hold a lot of information that will can shed light on solutions. They can also be good for a laugh!
· If you're ever not sure what to do, just hit the X button and Stranger will let you know what you should be thinking about.
· If you can't understand what Stranger is talking about, hit the back button and check out the information at the bottom about your current mission. You can check out your stockpile of ammo while you're at it.
· Nailers have nails on their armor for a reason, don't punch or ram them!
· If enemy numbers look dense on radar... remember that you can hide around corners or in hide zones... and use your Chippunk to draw them to you one by one. Then ambush with the spider, skunk, thudslug, or knock out punch. This can thin down their numbers before you head in for an aggressive attack!
· Remember that your high speed running lope... can be used to ram guys unconscious! Swerve if you're heading towards a shooter. This will greatly help to avoid his gunfire! This style is is something we call "The Bronx Run!"
· When using the Chippunk, remember that it will only attract enemies that are able to get to it. They won't follow a chippunk that they can't reach. Also, if enemies aren't attracting to the Chippunk, check to make sure they are within range. Sometimes an enemy will be behind closed doors, and even though it looks within range of the Chippunk on the radar, it won't be able to attract to it through the door.
· You only lose stamina if you take a long fall, even if you have no stamina. If you're in a situation where you have to jump off a cliff or a really tall platform to survive, go ahead. Just make sure you know that there's a bottom to the fall.
· 3rd person melee mode you can do a double headbutt. It's really fun once you figure out how to pull it off. Just jump into the air and then a half second before you land, pull the right trigger, then exactly when your feet touch the ground pull the right trigger again. If you timed it right Stranger will do his headbutt twice in quick succession, dealing out twice the punishment a normal headbutt would deal to the bad guy.
Tactics & Hint resources:
PRIMA Official Game Guide: www.primagames.com
IGN Online Game Guide: guidesIGN.com
Cheats: CheatCodeGuides.com
Hints, Cheats and Walkthroughs: GameSpot