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Top 10 Tuesday
It’s Top 10 Tuesday over at IGN, and this Tuesday it’s all about weapons in Tom’s Favorite Videogame Weapons. The Chippunks and Howler Punks from Oddworld Stranger’s Wrath are number 3 in the countdown (even topping the legendary BFG and Kratos’ Blades of Chaos).

Game Developers Choice Awards
Oddworld Stranger’s Wrath has been nominated at the Game Developers’ Choice Awards 2006 in the ‘Character Design’ category. games pages updated’s games section has been updated. The pages of Abe’s Oddysee, Abe’s Exoddus, Munch’s Oddysee and Stranger’s Wrath have been re‐done, nice work!

The Game Audio Network Guild (G.A.N.G.) has announced the finalists for its 4th annual G.A.N.G. Audio Awards. Oddworld Stranger’s Wrath is nominated in the ‘Best Dialogue’ and in the ‘Best Cinematic/Cut‐Scene Audio’ categories.

So You Want To Be An: Artist
Lorne Lanning is one of the game artists interviewed by GameSpot for their feature: ‘So you want to be an: Artist’, an intresting read about artistic approach to videogames. Thanks to Angalok for the head up.
Sources: Angalok

Oddworld statues on eBay
toxicallpro reported an amazing find on the Oddworld Forums. Someone on eBay is selling the 6 feet tall custom made statues of Abe and Munch who were used as advertisement at a previous E3 expo. If you live not too far from this guy don’t hesitate too much.
Sources: toxicallpro

Outside the Shadows
Lorne Lanning as member of the AIAS Board chatted with Fumito Ueda and Kenji Kaido on stage at the D.I.C.E. summit 2006. They both worked on Ico and on Shadow of the Colossus and gave during one hour a look how truly great games are created. Gamespy was there and made a report on ‘Outside the Shadows: A Conversation with the Creators of Ico and Shadow of the Colossus’ session of the D.I.C.E. summit 2006.

VES Awards
Oddworld Stranger’s Wrath has been nominated by the VES Awards in the category ‘Outstanding Pre‐Rendered Visuals in a Video Game’. Results will be known 15th February.

Into The Pixel
The submission for the 2006̻s edition of Into The Pixel are now open. Lorne Lanning is member of the jurors of this event like last year.

working‐title interviews Lorne
Working‐ made an interview with Lorne Lanning where he confirms they are working on a CG film and that he doesn’t ‘want to see any new console based Oddworld games until after there is an Oddworld film.’

Sad news about Alfred Gamble
Sadly, Alfred Gamble passed away this Sunday. Fans may remember him as the spirited Oddworld fan who captured the hearts of Oddworld Inhabitants when he lost his beloved wife and, on a whim, purchased a PlayStation along with Abe’s Oddysee. Alf’s Assistant shares his memories of Alf on the Forums, where you can too.
Alfred Gamble, rest in peace.

The Pivotal Moment & GDC 2006
Lorne Lanning will be a judge of ‘The Pivotal Moment—Inaugural Graphic Impact Animation Competition’ presented by Game Developers Conference in association with CGSociety.
He will also be speaking at the Game Developers Conference of this year. Lorne Lanning will interview David Jaffe (Creative Director, Sony Santa Monica Studios), the director of God Of War. This might be a very intresting ‘Odd vs. God’ experience.

‘Call for Entries’ for the EXPOSÉ 4 has now begun. And Lorne Lanning is once again member of the Advisory Board. The deadline for entries is Monday 27th February 2006.

Oddworld feature film!
Happy Christmas to all of you! Here is some excellent news: Oddworld Inhabitants are officially working on the first Oddworld feature film! The news comes straight from Raymond Swanland himself.
Sources: The Art of Raymond Swanland

Best Use Of Extra‐Terrestrial Interlopers
Gamasutra awarded Oddworld Stranger’s Wrath the ‘Best Use Of Extra‐Terrestrial Interlopers’ special award. ‘The judges decided that its mix of Spaghetti Western tropes and cute‐as‐bull‐pie alien culture was worthy of an esoteric commendation.’

GameSpot’s Best of 2005
Oddworld Stranger’s Wrath has been nominated in the ‘Best Graphics, Artistic’ section of GameSpot’s Best of 2005’s Special Achivements awards.

1UP’s 2005 Awards Nomination
1UP is holding a ‘2005 Awards Nomination’. Be sure to go vote for Oddworld Stranger’s Wrath in the ‘shooting’ category.

Microsoft acknowledges Oddworld’s incompatibility with Xbox 360
Following the campaign by members of the Oddworld Forums to make both Oddworld Stranger’s Wrath and Oddworld: Munch’s Oddysee compatible with the Xbox 360, member MeechMuncher has received a positive reply from Microsoft, which can be read here.
Sources: MeechMuncher

TOGG content update
Eight new Concept Arts have been add to TOGG: One of Fangus, Five of Stranger and Two of Munch. Enjoy them!

Xbox360 backward compatibility? (part 2)
As I’ve mentioned a few posts earlier the Xbox360 might not play the two Oddworld games that were released on Xbox (Oddworld: Munch’s Oddysee & Oddworld Stranger’s Wrath). Microsoft has now put an email address where we can tell them our thoughts about the Xbox360’s backward compatibility, so be sure to tell them nicely that we are still waiting for the two Oddworld games. The more attention we get, the more chances we will have to be able to play Munch’s Oddysee and Stranger’s Wrath on the Xbox360.