2004/09/00 - Alf's Inhabitants Anonymous

From Oddworld Library
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  • Published: September 2004
  • Host: Oddworld.com
  • Author: Alf
  • Game: Oddworld: Stranger's Wrath
  • Format: Publised Online

The Designer Diary

Alf's Inhabitants Anonymous - August 2004

"My So Called Life ... as an Oddworld Intern"
by Danielle, Age 17.
Who would think that scanning, copying, and taking notes would actually be a great way to spend a summer vacation? Well, it is, but only if you're at Oddworld Inhabitants. For the last three weeks I was an intern or "office lackey" as I like to call it, and I had a great time despite my endless supply of artwork to scan (and when I say endless, I'm not kidding!). I was lucky enough to score an internship at one of the greatest places to work, and now I get to brag to all of you! (Sorry, but can you blame me?). I've interned at Oddworld before, but this was my first chance to stay for three weeks and really see what happens here. Since I was able to stay longer I received more important tasks and some of the old standard ones too. Interning involves a lot of work, but it is well worth it.

One of my first tasks was to put together Press Books, which are collections of magazine articles that mention Oddworld games. The magazine covers and the articles are placed in books with clear protective covers, and divided by months. Oddworld gets great reviews for its games, and a lot of the articles were on fans that had gotten Munch tattoos or had covered their motorcycles in Oddworld graphics. Oddworld fans are devoted! One of the funniest tasks I had was to take photos with Kristin, the Marketing Assistant, of Oddworld merchandise for the upcoming art book. The photos looked great, and you'll never be able to guess that they were not professional photos (hopefully). The most time consuming of all of my jobs was scanning hundreds of images (and a whoopee cushion) into the computer, and I must say they were some of the most amazing sketches I have ever seen. Some of the images will be in the upcoming book "The Art of Oddworld Inhabitants: The First Ten Years", so you don't have to just take my word for it, I even think the whoopee cushion makes an appearance in the book.

Not only does interning here get you a sneak peek at the upcoming book, but also at the new game, Oddworld Stranger, which I'm sure you all want to hear about. Well, you're out of luck because I'm telling you nothing about the game! (Evil laugh). Sorry! All I will say is that I got to play the whole game, and I loved it. My most important job as an intern was to play and take notes on what happened in each level and since I'm such a serious hard working intern I didn't complain. The graphics in the game were amazing, and the characters will crack you up, especially the smack-talking squirrels that you use for ammo! I must admit that when it comes to playing video games I'm just a beginner, although I'm a natural at running into things and crashing the game (What can I say, some people are just gifted?), but I picked up easily on the controls, and I may have used invincibility. Trust me when I say the waiting is worth it, so hang in there for a little while longer, but to wet your appetite I get to tell you what I liked about the game: snow and ice, waterfalls, the Mongo Wilds, native rebels, outlaws with names like "Jo' Mamma" and "Filthy Hands Floyd", ramming Clakkerz, dirty sewers, and an outlaw named "Scuz" with an unspeakable password.

Most of you are probably dying to know what its like to intern at Oddworld, so I'll tell you (except the stuff that I just can't say). The atmosphere is very relaxed, with a pool table and black leather couches in the front behind the reception area. In the back there is a library with books and movies to use for inspiration for the game, and artwork posted on every wall. As you walk down the halls you can see characters from past and future games, game screens, and white boards with titles like "Name that Ammo". The people at Oddworld are just as great as the environment, and just as relaxed. They're completely dedicated to their jobs and are friendly even when the spastic intern crashes the game again.

Interning at Oddworld was the greatest way to spend my summer vacation, and I hope that some of you get to intern somewhere like Oddworld. I did a lot of work, but it was a great experience, and I hope I get another chance to do something like this again. The new game and the book will be out soon so all of the Oddworld fans can get their fix.

- The End

Danielle is currently a Senior at Glendale High School in Los Angeles, California.