Official site updates, December 2003
Oddworld.com was updated, evidently in the early hours of the morning, and offers a bounty of features. This month, Dear Alf returns, and is accompanied by an interview with Lorne, where Alf asks him questions fans have been asking. You needn’t bother with the first, trust me, but the second is well‐recieved, and thanks go to Lorne for taking the trouble to address our concerns. There is also a new Fan of the Month, yet another Brit, Bob C.; a new Inhabitant interview, this one with Raymond Swanland, appropriate given the amount we’ve been discussing his work; a new Quote of the Month; and the return of The Daily Deception Online, the tabloid version of the newspaper seen in Munch’s Oddysee. This Holiday issue serves to provide clues about future happenings in the games, and of course take the piss out of the fans. I don’t want to set myself up as a figurehead, but I think they were talking about me.
Read everyone’s reactions to this at the thread at OWF. Xavier would get the credit for finding this, but I found it myself. Just afterwards.