OddBlog permitted
Sorry for the delay in news recently, but I’ve been tied down with revision and coursework of late.
Naturally, the most important news right now is that of Abe Babe and Alcar having decided to move the Oddworld Forums to another server and upgrade to vBulletin 3 in the process. Obviously this is fabulous news for Forum users, as it should mean an end to the slowness, lost pages and image replacement issues that have been plaguing us for the last few weeks and months. While this process takes place, fans are being herded to a temporary Ezboard site, at http://pub177.ezboard.com/bowforums.
In the meantime, this means that some sites may not be working. Oddworld Universe, Oddworld‐Web, the browser version of OddChat and the Oddworld Topsite may all not be accesible through this period. The actual Forums URL (www.oddworldforums.net) is certainly not working as I type this.
OddBlog also has good news. Just today I recieved an email from Oddworld Inhabitants’ Fan Legal department, so once I’ve adapted the site to comply with their terms and conditions, I’m going to release the URL upon the world: hopefully at the same time the Forums reopen. That should give us some special panache. Stay tuned: you may even see our updates before I find time to talk about them!