
Oddworld Gets Stranger

Story 96 reported by Max on
Monday, 12th April 2004 at 3·46 p.m. BST

Alcar has found a couple of things of interest: the personal site of lead programmer Charles Bloom reveals that the working title for Oddworld 4 is, in fact, Oddworld Gets Stranger, while programmer Thatcher Ulrich has provided images of the Indie Game Jam, attended by Messrs Bloom and Ulrich, along with Ryan Ellis and Jonathan Blow.

IGN has a list of developers appearing at E3, though Oddworld Inhabitants do not yet appear. However, here’s the place to keep abreast of the listing, if you wish.

And, as some of you have obviously noticed, OddBlog now has a features comment, hosted by HaloScan. I have also coded in an announcement bar above the banner to appear when there is important information, such as now that the Forums are down.

Sources: Charles Bloom, Thatcher Ulrich, and Oddworld Universe



  1. Alcar on Wednesday, 14th April 2004 at 2·12 p.m.

    The issue is out of our hands.


  2. Xavier on Wednesday, 14th April 2004 at 12·53 p.m.

    I doubt Kristen can do something only the server admin seems to be able to fix the problem, I wonder what he's doing?

  3. Sligslinger on Wednesday, 14th April 2004 at 12·27 p.m.

    Yes, but I'm sure busy Kristen will find sometime in her day to rectify the problem. Abe Babe hardly has any leizure time as it is, and now she's sacriificing it to fix OWF for us. What-a-pal! :D

  4. Xavier on Wednesday, 14th April 2004 at 8·19 a.m.

    agreed... the forums need to come back!
    I miss all those hours spendt on the forums :p

  5. Mac the Janitor on Wednesday, 14th April 2004 at 5·18 a.m.

    Yeh, the forums need to come back.

    Like, now.


  6. Sligslinger on Wednesday, 14th April 2004 at 4·18 a.m.

    Oops. My bad. I somehow how forgot to notice the word "working" :p All though Oddworld Just Got Stranger wouldn't be a bad title either, just....well...clich'e

    Anyway, I'm glad that we can still have a discussion here on Oddblogg while the forums are down. Max and Xav=genius super-duo :)

  7. Alcar on Wednesday, 14th April 2004 at 1·30 a.m.

    Yes! Thankyou oddguy!

    It is the WORKING title. Meaning in-house, development title. Not the final title! Like Xavier said, "Abe II" was the working title for Abe's Exoddus, so I doubt "Oddworld Gets Stranger" is the real Oddworld 4 title.


  8. oddguy on Wednesday, 14th April 2004 at 1·23 a.m.

    How come we're still debating this? We know for a fact that "Oddworld gets Stranger" is the working title...not the final one. I don't know how many times I've seen Alcar state this on the mega-cool comment page here at OddBlog.

  9. Oddsville the Great on Tuesday, 13th April 2004 at 9·45 p.m.

    I seriously doubt that this'll be the final tittle given to the game. Lorne wants this game to make up for MO and Im sure he'll pull out all the stops in order to make it great. Besides all companys have a temporary tittle that is used around the studio but it usually never makes it as the actual tittle.

  10. Sligslinger on Tuesday, 13th April 2004 at 8·51 p.m.

    So the game is titled "Oddworld Gets Stranger", eh? Hmmm, sort of clich'e, but hell, I expected that sort of thing.

  11. Sapphire on Tuesday, 13th April 2004 at 7·52 p.m.

    "Oddworld Gets Stranger" is just way too much of a groaner. "Oddworld: Stranger" would be just fine, and I hope they go with something like that instead. Simple, short, and classy.

  12. Alcar on Tuesday, 13th April 2004 at 5·37 p.m.

    Came across that already, Max and I did, indeed.

    It's like, the only non-misinformed or incorrect piece of writing I've seen regarding the split :o

    (Also, I've discovered that Thatcher Ulrich game(s) at the Indie Game Jam was one that featured boxing)


  13. oddguy on Tuesday, 13th April 2004 at 5·32 p.m.

    I like this nifty comment thing. Nice going Xav and Max! ;) Anywho I found an article about the whole Microsoft thing that sums up my feeling perfectly. 505921p1.html


  14. Oddish on Tuesday, 13th April 2004 at 3·47 p.m.

    I had this dream that it was called something and something. I only remember the "and".

    Actually "Oddworld just got Stranger" was said at the back of the Cards. But like you said It is a working title:)

  15. hobo on Tuesday, 13th April 2004 at 9·35 a.m.

    I think just Stranger would be a perfectly good name for the game. One word titles are usually the best.

  16. Xavier on Tuesday, 13th April 2004 at 8·16 a.m.

    I realy hope it too
    besides "Abe II" wasn't the final title for Abe's Exoddus ;)

  17. Alcar on Tuesday, 13th April 2004 at 6·12 a.m.

    I doubt it will be, as it is simply the working title.


  18. Mac the Janitor on Tuesday, 13th April 2004 at 3·04 a.m.

    Gah, "Oddworld Gets Stranger"? Dear lord, I hope that isn't the final title.


  19. Alcar on Tuesday, 13th April 2004 at 2·43 a.m.

    Oddish, it sounds as if the WORKING title was always "Oddworld Gets Stranger". Those other titles seem like they were created by various inaccurate sources such as internet news reels.


  20. Xavier on Monday, 12th April 2004 at 8·02 p.m.

    I realy need to find some news, my avatar isn't on the main page anymore :'(

  21. Oddish on Monday, 12th April 2004 at 6·38 p.m.

    At first it was "Stranger", then "Oddworld just got Stranger" and now "Oddworld gets Stranger.
    I do hope they have a better title at the end.

  22. Alcar on Monday, 12th April 2004 at 5·32 p.m.

    Just a note, for those that just skim over the news, "Oddworld Gets Stranger" is the WORKING title. Meaning, in house development title.

    It is usually never the final title.


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