September 2004

IGN suspects no PS2 Stranger
Is Oddworld: Stranger to be only on Xbox? Is the game going to be released sooner? IGN thinks so!
Sources: IGN

SLO affected by quake
Oddguy who’s living in Tulare felt an earthquake and several aftershocks yesterday, Parkfield just got hit by a 5·9/6·0‐ish Earthquake. As you can see it on the map, it isn’t far away from where Oddworld Inhabitants are located (San Luis Obispo). So he mailed Oddworld Inhabitants to see if everything was going good, and they confirmed that everything was alright.
Sources: Oddguy and Oddworld Inhabitants

New ‘must see’ videos
IGN has put up two new videos: ‘Live Ammo in Action’ and ‘Talking to Duck Folk’. Those are two ‘must see’ gameplay videos!
Sources: IGN

Bonus Stage’s first impressions
The cover story of September’s edition of BonusStage features a first impressions preview of Oddworld Stranger by Joshua Williams. The article reports a release in Quarter 1 of 2005.
Effer of World of Gaming has written an opinionated and inaccurate article on Oddworld’s oft‐misnomered ‘return’ to the PlayStation 2.
Swiss gaming site GBase has a two‐page preview of Oddworld Stranger in German, so Google’s automatic translation may be of some use to English‐speaking readers. The Belgian sister site of GameSpot has a similar preview, although there are as yet no translations of the Dutch original.

Game Republic covers Stranger
The magazine covers on have been updated with Game Republic’s October issue, featuring a new image of Stranger, his cross‐bow and Live Ammo. Details of the Italian magazine’s content covering Oddworld Stranger are not yet known.

TeamXbox reports on art book
TeamXbox has put a very nice article about the 10th Anniversary Book, along with a bunch of very pretty pictures, including a hi‐res picture of the cover, and three “family” pictures: (Abe’s Oddysee, Abe’s Exoddus, Munch’s Oddysee)!
Sources: TeamXbox

Quality screenshots on Eurogamer
EuroGamer has put his own screenshot Gallery of Oddworld Stranger. Lots of already known screenshots, but without any watermarks and in very good quality.
Sources: Eurogamer

CVG interviews Lorne
Computer And Videogames have an Oddworld Stranger Exclusive Interview. Thanks to Oddsville for the head up.
Sources: ComputerAndVideoGames and Oddsville

OAXM’s first look at Stranger
Alcar of Oddworld Universe posted a transcript of the Official Australian Xbox Magazine First Look Article on Oddworld: Stranger on the Oddworld Forums along with two scans.
Sources: Oddworld Universe

Opening sequence on IGN
Dualist of the Oddworld Forums pointed out there is a new video over at IGN, but there might be some problem if you try to download it.
EDIT: The video is in fact the famous ‘Oddworld Stranger CG Intro Movie’, Alcar is hosting it here for those who have problems by downloading it on IGN.
Sources: Dualist

OddNet interviews Mark Snoswell
There is an other interview with Mark Snoswell, founder and Chief Executive Officer of Ballistic Publishing over at Oddworld‐Web and Oddworld Universe.
Don’t forget our own interview at here.
Sources: Oddworld Universe

OddBlog interviews Mark Snoswell
Orders for The Art of Oddworld Inhabitants: The First Ten Year 1994–2004 are now being accepted at the Ballistic Publishing website! To (only‐just) coincide with this occassion, OddBlog is proud to share an interview with Mark Snoswell, founder and Chief Executive Officer of Ballistic Publishing, which addresses the company, the book, and Oddworld and its philosophies.

Official updates, September 2004
With two hours to go before pre‐ordering of The Art of Oddworld Inhabitants commences, has been updated for the month of September. The latest features include the latest round of questions and answers by Alf, the Inhabitant Profile of Marketing Manager Jenny Shaheen, a fantastic diary by Oddworld Intern Danielle in Alf’s Inhabitants Anonymous, a new Quote of the Month, and a brand‐spanking new information page on Oddworld Stranger including a range of familiar but enlarged screenshots from Gizzard Gulch, Region One from the game, and a promise of an upcoming official website.

Art of OWI for pre‐sale soon
Ballistic Publishing informed us today that the book The Art of Oddworld Inhabitants: The First Ten Years 1994–2004 will be on pre‐sale in less than 36 hours. There will be a countdown on the web site for the last 24 hours leading up to the launch.
The time of the launch will be:
- Adelaide: Wednesday 15th at 10·00 a.m.
- Los Angeles: Tuesday 14th at 5·30 p.m.
- New York: Tuesday 14th at 10·30 p.m.
- London: Wednesday 15th at 1·30 a.m.
- Paris: Wednesday 15th at 2·30 a.m.
- Tokyo: Wednesday 15th at 9·30 a.m.
- Hong Kong: Wednesday 15th at 8·30 a.m.
All the information about the book, including proof sheets of all the pages, will be available at that time.
The layout is complete and the book will be in press for the next 5 weeks. You will have to order early for pre‐Christmas delivery.
There are just 1 000 numbered Limited Editions available. They are printing a special limited edition, hand bound with Leather in the traditional padded style. These are sold individually by number on a first come, first served basis.
atusiya@ reminds us on the forums that today is the 10 years anniversary day of Oddworld Inhabitants!
Sources: Ballistic Publishing and Atusi

Le requiem pour les refrigerateures solitaires
Estonian artist Paranomia has released a four‐track album on Netlabels entitled Le requiem pour les refrigerateures solitaires (Requiem for lonely refrigerators). The music is described as “technoid ambient‐industrial‐noise that is colder than the arctic,” and is free to download. Netlabels is a collection of non‐commercial, Creative Commons‐liscensed ‘virtual record labels’, hosted by the Internet Archive. The name ‘Paranomia’ comes from Oddworld (though clearly has been misread).
Oddworld has been discovered in BMEZINE, an online magazine for the body modification and manipulation community. The skinart featuring Abe was created by Shorty of Red Dragon Tattoo for second thoughts. Many thanks to Tom for pointing this out to me.
Sources: Tom

Oddworld Junkie opens
Esus made a new Oddworld site called Oddworld Junkie featuring solid features. Discuss about it on the Oddworld Forums.
Sources: Esus

New Stranger gameplay screenshots
Alcar of Oddworld Universe points out on the Oddworld Forums that GameSpot’s Stranger Gallery was updated with new screenshots, and that there was one new screenshot over at IGN.
Sources: Oddworld Universe

Stranger sequel discussed
Lorne Lanning has exclusively told Computer and Video Games that Oddworld Inhabitants and EA Games have already begun discussion on the possibility of a sequel to Stranger. Credit goes to Oddworld Universe for finding this.
Sources: ComputerAndVideoGames and Oddworld Universe

CVG at Game Stars Live
Computer and Video Games has posted a first‐impression report on Oddworld Stranger following a demonstration of the game by Lorne Lanning at London’s Game Stars Live event. No new information is given, but author Stephen Daultrey promises an interview with Lorne Lanning and new screenshots will be posted soon.
Sources: ComputerAndVideoGames

Game Stars Live
Oddworld Stranger is amongst eighteen fully‐playable Electronic Arts games currently on display to the public at Game Stars Live, the major consumer exhibition and the U.K.’s only multi‐platform gaming event, taking place from 1st–5th September at the ExCeL Centre in London, according to