Le requiem pour les refrigerateures solitaires
Estonian artist Paranomia has released a four‐track album on Netlabels entitled Le requiem pour les refrigerateures solitaires (Requiem for lonely refrigerators). The music is described as “technoid ambient‐industrial‐noise that is colder than the arctic,” and is free to download. Netlabels is a collection of non‐commercial, Creative Commons‐liscensed ‘virtual record labels’, hosted by the Internet Archive. The name ‘Paranomia’ comes from Oddworld (though clearly has been misread).
Oddworld has been discovered in BMEZINE, an online magazine for the body modification and manipulation community. The skinart featuring Abe was created by Shorty of Red Dragon Tattoo for second thoughts. Many thanks to Tom for pointing this out to me.
Sources: Tom
Oddish on Friday, 1st October 2004 at 6·49 p.m.
I think you have to update Oddblog.