No January Stranger
Electronic Arts have uploaded their factsheet for Oddworld Stranger. Those that are registered with the site will be able to download a Microsoft Word file which states the release date of the game to be Spring 2005, and not January as many would hope following the dropping of the PS2 version.
Sources: Electronic Arts
Nepharski on Monday, 1st November 2004 at 4·59 a.m.
Oddish on Sunday, 31st October 2004 at 3·51 p.m.
was me
Anonymous on Sunday, 31st October 2004 at 3·50 p.m.
Okie dokes :)
Max on Sunday, 31st October 2004 at 12·45 p.m.
Hey, thanks Alf's Assistant! An early release sounds great, and if that means sacrificing a month or two of web updates, then so be it. Can't wait for the book!
Scrab Watcher on Sunday, 31st October 2004 at 10·29 a.m.
Oh goody! Very early is GOOD! Can't wait for the news. I feel happy! Yay!
Nepharski on Sunday, 31st October 2004 at 7·36 a.m.
Aha! This explains the lack of updates. Perfectly understandable.
Carry on, good oddlings!
Alf's Assistant on Sunday, 31st October 2004 at 12·58 a.m.
Greetings from Oddworld!
We are really busy wrapping up the game! Stay tuned for lots of news coming out soon. The game is scheduled for release very early 2005... ok! earlier than March!
Just got the hard cover of the Art of Oddworld book. It's amazing. Hope you all like it. Hardcovers being shipped soon... LE's coming later.
Stay Odd!
Alf's Assistant
Max on Friday, 29th October 2004 at 12·05 p.m.
Yep, I have a week's holiday. I'll disappear again soon, don't worry.
Oddish on Thursday, 28th October 2004 at 6·19 p.m.
Hi Max, Doing your updates agian.
Max on Thursday, 28th October 2004 at 1·52 p.m.
Haha, all comments for this entry were deleted because they were posted in one of the posts that I'd already deleted, but Blogger hadn't. Sorry!
EDIT: I've replicated the posts for no reason whatsoever.
Max on Thursday, 28th October 2004 at 1·36 p.m.
I triple posted because the first post, and then the second didn't show up. Then they did. I've deleted the excess posts, but they haven't disappeared. There's nothing left to delete!
Scrab Watcher on Thursday, 28th October 2004 at 10·50 a.m.
Well said Oddguy. Deja vu, deja vu, Deja vu! Deja vu, deja vu, DEJA VUUUUUUU!!!
*skips away, singing to herself*
Esus on Thursday, 28th October 2004 at 8·47 a.m.
meh, it mentions January 2005 on oddworld.com
Miss Odd on Thursday, 28th October 2004 at 7·41 a.m.
Thats just what i was going to say ;) I think you tripple posted ;)
oddguy on Wednesday, 27th October 2004 at 11·44 p.m.
deja vu, deja vu, deja vu!!!!