OddBlog interviews Cathy Johnson
Finally it’s here: an Exclusive Interview with Oddworld Creative Services Manager, Cathy Johnson!
Like Max said:
We felt compelled to explore the possibilities of a similar Q&A with the person named by Mr Snoswell as first having the idea for an Oddworld book, and then going on to be the ‘biggest contributor’ of material for the now pre‐orderable anniversary book The Art of Oddworld Inhabitants: The First Ten Years 1994–2004; and herewith we are proud to share the result!
Sorry to all for the delay, and the broken pictures, we (Max and me) have been very busy lately.
Tim H. C. on Monday, 11th October 2004 at 7·33 p.m.
Why they keep showing these things>>?? IT MAKES US WANT THE GAME EVEN MORE!! i cant wait!!
Nepharski on Monday, 11th October 2004 at 11·33 p.m.
Yes, the interview was very well done.
So, it is not just a western. Thank goodness.
oddguy on Monday, 11th October 2004 at 9·49 p.m.
Great interview guys. I enjoyed it muchly.
Oddish on Monday, 11th October 2004 at 8·57 p.m.
Great interview guys!!! I enjoyed it!
[quote]It's NOT just a western! Only the first two regions are western environments. We have beautiful forests, river valleys, caves, ice and snow levels, and massive industrial complexes too! Secondly, it's just plain funny. Those Clakkerz crack me up. And last but not least, several female characters finally make it into the game.[/quote]
Thats what I siad about on the forums.... yet The Gungrave prooved me wrong....
Heh, woopie cousin:D