Alf enlists fans in poll voting
GameSpot has been updated with a plethora of new goodies. There are five new gameplay movies, an updated hands‐on preview, and a whopping 60 new screenshots to be seen.
It, along with The Man Room are also reporting that EA Games has unveiled its new Stranger’s Wrath website, citing the new URL of http://www.oddworld.ea.com/ however, this simply leads to the existing site as posted on Oddworld.com. Perhaps now regular updates will be posted there.
Additionally, Alf has popped along to Oddworld Forums and asked us to vote for the pre’ordered Stranger’s Wrath in another online poll, this time on EA Games’s U.S. site. Right now Stranger is struggling at a measly 1% while Need for Speed Underground 2 and The Lord of the Rings The Battle for Middle‐earth are leading with 25% and 22% respectively.
Sources: Alf
Discuss on the Oddworld Forums
Scrab Watcher on Wednesday, 22nd December 2004 at 7·58 p.m.
Forums are back again, I can't take this kind of stress...
Scrab Watcher on Wednesday, 22nd December 2004 at 6·43 p.m.
Nooo! Gone again!
Scrab Watcher on Wednesday, 22nd December 2004 at 4·45 p.m.
Whew! They're back!
Scrab Watcher on Wednesday, 22nd December 2004 at 4·05 p.m.
ARGH! I can't get onto the forums! Not AGAIN! Noooooooooooooooo!!!
Max on Wednesday, 22nd December 2004 at 1·13 a.m.
Don't forget you can still vote for Oddworld Stranger's Wrath at the U.K. and French EA Games sites, at www.eagames.co.uk and www.eagames.electronicarts.fr!