Man!ac magazine offers Oddworld playing cards
Alcar of Oddworld Universe reports on the Oddworld Forums that February’s Issue of the German MAN!AC Magazine will include an Oddworld Stranger’s Wrath feature, along with a gameplay movie on the DVD and 16 playcards (only AKQJx4 apparently)!
Sources: Oddworld Universe
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Max on Sunday, 2nd January 2005 at 10·55 a.m.
Thanks for the clarification erwinraaben55. I hadn't realised the cards were playing cards. :P
Anonymous on Thursday, 30th December 2004 at 3·01 p.m.
oh, well I should had take a look BEFORE the post above, on the cover only J and K of hearts and Q and A of spades are there. Sorry for the mistake :)
erwinraaben55 on Thursday, 30th December 2004 at 2·59 p.m.
Lol, that was what I have said on the forum (I want credit for that, no just kidding:P)
A = A's
K = King
Q = Queen
J = Jack (if I have it right for Enlish, because at home we call it boer (dutch for farmer)
And then you have 4 different "colors" (spades, hearts, diamonds and .... cant get on the right name )
So that means, 16 different cards. I am not sure if it are AKQJx4, but if you look on the cover, you see 4 cards, AKQJ of all different colors, so I asume it will be AKQJx4
Max on Thursday, 30th December 2004 at 11·13 a.m.
"only AKQJx4"
What does that mean?