
Stranger reviews

Story 282 reported by Xav on
Tuesday, 25th January 2005 at 5·25 p.m. CET

MojoMan220 found 3 reviews of Oddworld Stranger’s Wrath:

Gamespot gave 8·5 out of 10, and posted along 13 screenshots and a video review

TeamXbox gave 9·1 out of 10, awarded it ‘Editor’s Choise’ and added 30 screenshots to their gallery.

IGN gave: Presentation: 9·0 out of 10; Graphics: 9·5 out of 10; Sound:9·0 out of 10; Gameplay: 8·5 out of 10; Lasting Appeal: 8·0 out of 10 wich boils down to an overall 8·8.

Alcar found 2 other articles:

1UP reviewed the game and gave 8·0 out of 10.

Xbox Advanced made a video preview and are planning to do a ‘Week Long Special’ for the game.

Sources: MojoMan220 and Alcar


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