The Quest for Art, Entertainment, and Big Bucks
Oddworld Stranger’s Wrath has been mentioned in Gamasutra’s feature: ‘Underated Games?’. They definatly agree with the fans: ‘It’s a fantastic game that didn’t get the advertising it should have.’
Lorne Lanning has been mentionned in Heather Chaplin and Aaron Ruby’s book: Smart Bomb. You can read the first chapter on NPR. Here’s the Oddworld part, the context is an award ceremony:
There’s Munch’s Oddysee, the sad tale/adventure game of a one‐eyed aquatic creature on the verge of extinction, who must liberate his species, helped by an ex‐slave with a pinhead and chronic flatulence named Abe. The game’s animation is creative and original, and its story is subversive, at least by main‐stream entertainment standards. Its creator, Lorne Lanning, of Oddworld Inhabitants, is a thirty‐seven‐year‐old former painter and hydraulic amusement‐park‐ride inventor, who does the character animation and voice acting himself. Lanning is six feet three inches, with recently cut‐off long black hair, a pointy goatee, and a Cary Grant‐like elegance. Ask him what his religious inclination is; ‘Jedi,’ he’ll tell you.
Sources: NPR
Dipstikk on Tuesday, 15th November 2005 at 4·44 p.m.
Last time I checked, Munch was a unipodal creature, not a monocular one.