Assorted April news
Lorne Lanning was a participant in the public, educational panel entitled ‘Video Games—Past, Present & Future’, which was held on Friday, 30th March between 3 and 5 p.m. The event was part of Video Games Live, a touring celebration of video game music, during its visit of Yale University. Composer Tommy Tallarico also took part, being the co‐creator of Video Games Live. Mr Tallarico was given special thanks in the credits of Munch’s Oddysee for his contribution to the game’s sound design.
Lorne has been praised for trying to drive forward the video game industry’s content creation model by Craig Allen, the C.E.O. of independent developer Spark Unlimited, in an interview with Gamasutra about his own company’s approach to innovation.
Raymond Swanland has painted token art for Magic: The Gathering. The result is ‘Giant FUT’.
Sources: Game | Life