Archive:Dear Alf 02/q5/answer/raw

From Oddworld Library

Alf: In Munch's Oddysee you're going to be seeing a lot of the Vykkers and their weird way of doing business. While the Glukkons were the natural resource barons of Mudos, the Vykkers are the scientists and doctors. The Vykkers have impeccable credentials, but are seriously lacking in any spiritual wisdom. They're like those classic Harvard PHD's that then go off to be vicious third world dictators or researchers for tobacco companies.

Geographically speaking, the Oddworld Quintology takes place in the territory of Mudos. As we get closer to the end of the Quintology we get closer and closer to the heart of consumerism; which means the more densely populated areas of Mudos. For Munch's Oddysee we'll be visiting several places that we've yet to see before. Many of which are various types of factories scattered across the landscape.