Greener Pastures

From Oddworld Library

Greener Pastures Realty is a real estate agent trading in land and access to its natural resources on Oddworld. The brand is a division of Magog Properties Inc.

In , Greener Pastures promoted its business activities in the Forest of Mudos on X, Instagram and Facebook channels as part of the Magog Cartel takeover of Oddworld Inhabitants' social media accounts.

On , Greener Pastures released an early call for property developers and investors to register their interest in a 2000-acre area of land within the Forest of Mudos containing a newly discovered ancient burial ground. At this time, they claimed that 30% of this land's natural resources had been depleted.[1][2][3][4][5] By , this had increased to 34%, at which point Greener Pastures announced that permissions and permits to mine bones would be offered at a discounted price.[6][7][8][9][10] When asked what species the bones belonged to, the Magog Cartel did not provide an answer,[11] although Greener Pastures claimed that it was extinct.

On , Greener Pastures announced that discussions would be held that week at the City Limits Bar about the potential for an amusement park to be built on the ancient burial ground once bone mining had finished. By this time, they claimed, 37% of the land's valuable resources had been depleted.[12][13][14][15][16]

The point for contact for all enquiries regarding the Forest of Mudos was Fell O'Knee.


  1. Oddworld Inhabitants <@OddworldInc> (). Tweet. “The ‘reallocation’ of trees from the Forest of Mudos is underway as we prepare the site for our latest meat processing plant.” @OddworldInc account. Twitter.
  2. Oddworld Inhabitants <Magog Cartel#0999> (). Message. #x. Oddworld Social. Oddworld Discord.
  3. Oddworld Inhabitants (). Post. “The ‘reallocation’ of trees from the Forest of Mudos is underway as we prepare the site for our latest and greatest meat processing plant.” Oddworld Inhabitants page. Facebook.
  4. Oddworld Inhabitants <@oddworldinc> (). Post. “The ‘reallocation’ of trees from the Forest of Mudos is underway as we prepare the site for our latest and greatest meat processing plant.” Oddworld Inhabitants account. Instagram.
  5. Oddworld Inhabitants <Magog Cartel#0999> (). Message. #instagram. Oddworld Social. Oddworld Discord.
  6. Oddworld Inhabitants (). Tweet. “The ‘great tree reallocation’ of the Forest of Mudos is coming along nicely.” @OddworldInc account. Twitter.
  7. Oddworld Inhabitants <Magog Cartel#0999> (). Message. #x. Oddworld Social. Oddworld Discord.
  8. Oddworld Inhabitants (). Post. “The ‘great tree reallocation’ of the Forest of Mudos is coming along nicely.” Oddworld Inhabitants page. Facebook.
  9. Oddworld Inhabitants <@oddworldinc> (). Post. “The ‘great tree reallocation’ of the Forest of Mudos is coming along nicely.” Oddworld Inhabitants account. Instagram.
  10. Oddworld Inhabitants <Magog Cartel#0999> (). Message. #instagram. Oddworld Social. Oddworld Discord.
  11. Oddworld Inhabitants <@oddworldinc> (). ‘don’t worry your pretty little head…Reply to Deel, Matthew <@aroboi_07> (). Comment on Oddworld Inhabitants <@oddworldinc> (). Post. Oddworld Inhabitants account. Instagram.
  12. Oddworld Inhabitants <@OddworldInc> (). Tweet. “The ‘totally ethical and essential tree reallocation’ of the Forest of Mudos continues to progress at great speed!” @OddworldInc account. Twitter.
  13. Oddworld Inhabitants <Magog Cartel#0999> (). Message. #x. Oddworld Social. Oddworld Discord.
  14. Oddworld Inhabitants (). Post. “The ‘totally ethical and essential tree reallocation’ of the Forest of Mudos continues to progress at great speed!” Oddworld Inhabitants page. Facebook.
  15. Oddworld Inhabitants <@oddworldinc> (). Post. “The ‘totally ethical and essential tree reallocation’ of the Forest of Mudos continues to progress at great speed!” Oddworld Inhabitants account. Instagram.
  16. Oddworld Inhabitants <Magog Cartel#0999> (). Message. #instagram. Oddworld Social. Oddworld Discord.