October 2004

No January Stranger
Electronic Arts have uploaded their factsheet for Oddworld Stranger. Those that are registered with the site will be able to download a Microsoft Word file which states the release date of the game to be Spring 2005, and not January as many would hope following the dropping of the PS2 version.
Sources: Electronic Arts

Oddworld on EDGE
EDGE has a 4 page feature about Oddworld: Stranger in the December 2004 (№ 143) issue. Thanx to The Gungrave for the head up on the oddworld temporary forums.
Sources: The Gungrave

Lorne joins EXPOSÉ jury
Lorne Lanning is now officially a member of the Advisory Committee/Jury for the EXPOSÉ 3. This book will be published by Ballistic Publishing, they are the ones who also publish The Art of Oddworld Inhabitants: The First Ten Years 1994–2004.

XBM’s Lorne interview transcribed
Jason (aka Esus) from Oddworld Junkie posted a transcript of the interview with Lorne Lanning from the XBM. The preview was already online here. Well done Jason, keep on transcripting intresting articles!
Sources: Oddworld Junkie

Charles Bloom at Game Tech
Charles Bloom (lead programmer at Oddworld Inhabitants) is going to do a talk at the ‘Game Tech’ Seminar on December 2. According to him:
It’ll be about how we made the engine and game behind “Stranger”, with emphasis on specific things that I think we’ve done well in code that people can benefit from.
Sources: Charles Bloom

OddNet down
Alcar is struggling to get Oddworld Forums, Oddworld Universe and Oddworld‐Web back online (that why the 3 links are broken). But he managed to get the temporary forums back online! So if you had something to say and couldn’t, you can do it now!
Sources: Alcar

XBM previews Stranger
Oddworld.com’s Covers page has been updated with a new cover. Issue № 38 of the XBM features an Oddworld: Stranger related cover and a nice preview.
Sources: Oddworld.com

gamesTM scans posted
Jason (aka Esus) from Oddworld Junkie points out that Oddworld.com’s covers page has been updated with a new cover of the German Xbox Zone Magazine. More info about this issue can be found here along with a bigger version of the cover.
Jason also points out that the scans of the gamesTM Oddworld Stranger preview are now up! (1, 2 and 3)
Sources: Oddworld Junkie

gamesTM transcribed
Jason (aka Esus) from Oddworld Junkie posted a transcript of this month’s edition of UK’s gamesTM magazine. A job well done (even if there are some problems with the scans right now)!
Sources: Oddworld Junkie

Oddipus gets tattoo
Our interview with Oddworld’s Creative Services Mgr. has been mentioned in Oddworld.com’s press section! If you would like to read other interviews about The Art of Oddworld Inhabitants, simpley go here.
More info and a larger cover picture of the Game Republic magazine featuring an article and a cover about Oddworld: Stranger are available here.
By the way, Oddipus finally has his Oddworld‐related tatoo, take a look here.

OddBlog interviews Cathy Johnson
Finally it’s here: an Exclusive Interview with Oddworld Creative Services Manager, Cathy Johnson!
Like Max said:
We felt compelled to explore the possibilities of a similar Q&A with the person named by Mr Snoswell as first having the idea for an Oddworld book, and then going on to be the ‘biggest contributor’ of material for the now pre‐orderable anniversary book The Art of Oddworld Inhabitants: The First Ten Years 1994–2004; and herewith we are proud to share the result!
Sorry to all for the delay, and the broken pictures, we (Max and me) have been very busy lately.

TVG talks to Lorne and Erik Yeo
Oddguy of Oddworld‐Web found a very intresting interview with Lorne Lanning about Oddworld: Stranger, over at Total Videogames.
Sources: Oddworld‐Web

More Mimic scans
Tim H. C. scanned 3 pages from the german magazine Mimic and posted them on the Forums. Pages: 1, 2 and 3.
Sources: Tim H. C.

Dress Up Stranger
Miss Odd updated Oddworld Online with another new feature: Dress Up Stranger! It’s very funny! You can see some creations by fans on the Oddworld Forums.
Sources: Miss Odd

Tim scans Mimic
Tim H. C. scanned a page from the German magazine Mimic and posted it on the Forums. Never before seen art and screens!
Sources: Tim H. C.

Lorne interviewed following PS2 relinquishment
TeamXbox has just put up a two page interview with Lorne Lanning explaining why the PS2 version of Oddworld: Stranger was dropped at the moment, and also pointing out it wasn’t their desision to make or drop the PS2 version, go read all about it!
Sources: TeamXbox

New features on Oddworld Online
Miss Odd updated Oddworld Online with two new features: an Oddworld Personality Quiz and beautiful Oddworld Hot Bars Skins! A “Dress up Stranger” feature is coming soon.
Sources: Miss Odd

No Stranger for PS2
Following on from IGN’s earlier prediction, based on information from “a source close to EA,” that Oddworld Stranger would be dropped from the PlayStation 2, Computer and Video Games have supposedly confirmed this rumour by contacting publisher EA Games themselves. According to Stuart Bishop of CVG, owing to the slow development of Oddworld𓆉s latest game on the PlayStation 2 by an unidentified team, this version of Stranger has been scrapped, while the release date for the Xbox has been brought forward from March to January.
Sources: ComputerAndVideoGames