December 2004

New screenshots has put up a 24 screenshots (old and new). Some are definately spoilers, so don’t take a look at the second page if you don’t want the game to be spoiled.

Man!ac magazine offers Oddworld playing cards
Alcar of Oddworld Universe reports on the Oddworld Forums that February’s Issue of the German MAN!AC Magazine will include an Oddworld Stranger’s Wrath feature, along with a gameplay movie on the DVD and 16 playcards (only AKQJx4 apparently)!
Sources: Oddworld Universe

Oddworld Junkie updates design posted lots of new artwork from Oddworld Stranger’s Wrath. Check out the previews on the Oddworld Forums. Bigger versions are available if you subsribe to the site.
By the way, Esus uploaded the design of his site: Oddworld Junkie. Very nice work!
Sources: Esus

Lorne to attend Imagina ’05
Lorne Lanning is going to be at Imagina ’05 according to this press release. He will be taking part in the ‘Worlds in collision? Story vs. graphics in cinematic gaming’ discussion.
Sources: Imagina

Oddworld Stranger’s Wrath goes gold
According WorthPlaying, Oddworld Stranger’s Wrath is Gold!
Sources: WorthPlaying

XboxGen previews Stranger’s Wrath
XboxGen posted a preview (in French) of Oddworld Stranger’s Wrath. If you speak French it’s worth to read it.
1UP posted a preview too, along with 24 of screenshots. Go take a look!
Sources: XboxGen

Lorne narrates more gameplay
Alcar of Oddworld Universe reports on the Oddworld Forums that January’s issue of the Official Xbox Magazine contains a gameplay movie of Oddworld Stranger’s Wrath on its DVD.
Alcar also found out that released their official game section of Oddworld: Stranger’s Wrath. No new content, but a beautiful design.
And by the way, HappyPuppy released their own gameplay movie commented and played by Lorne Lanning. (If the movie won’t load, download it here.)
Sources: Oddworld Universe

TeamXbox profiles Stranger characters
TeamXbox has put a new feature about Oddworld Stranger’s Wrath: some nice Characters Profiles, including Stranger, Clakkerz and Outlaws! Some never before seen art is included! They also updated their ScreenShots Gallery with 94 additions, go take a look.
Sources: TeamXbox

Alf enlists fans in poll voting
GameSpot has been updated with a plethora of new goodies. There are five new gameplay movies, an updated hands‐on preview, and a whopping 60 new screenshots to be seen.
It, along with The Man Room are also reporting that EA Games has unveiled its new Stranger’s Wrath website, citing the new URL of however, this simply leads to the existing site as posted on Perhaps now regular updates will be posted there.
Additionally, Alf has popped along to Oddworld Forums and asked us to vote for the pre’ordered Stranger’s Wrath in another online poll, this time on EA Games’s U.S. site. Right now Stranger is struggling at a measly 1% while Need for Speed Underground 2 and The Lord of the Rings The Battle for Middle‐earth are leading with 25% and 22% respectively.
Sources: Alf

Lorne interviewed by CVG
ComputerAndVideoGames posted a realy intresting interview with Lorne Lanning. There is even info about Citizen Siege inside! Go read it now!
Sources: ComputerAndVideoGames

EGM may show Lorne narrating gameplay
According to Poots, the latest EGM DVD features a 25 minute video of Lorne Lanning playing and demonstrating Oddworld Stranger’s Wrath. It is not known for sure at this time, but it is probably the same video posted in three parts on Xboxyde.
Sources: Poots features Stranger’s Wrath posted a 3 page long feature about Oddworld: Stranger’s Wrath.
Sources: erwinraaben55

Scans of Le Magazine Officiel Xbox
The 36th issue of Le Magazine Officiel Xbox (Christmas 2004) has a feature of 6 pages in it about Oddworld: Stranger’s Wrath. You can see the scanned pages on the Oddworld Forums. (Pages 1&2, Pages 3&4, Pages 5&6 and closeup)

Stranger picked up on Games Radar
Games Radar made a little preview, full of errors, of Oddworld Stranger’s Wrath. It comes with 6 exclusive screenshots.
Sources: Games Radar

New Stranger media
Oddworld Universe found an Interview with Lorne Lanning over at HomeLAN.
Eurogamer published a first look article about Stranger’s Wrath.
Xbox World has a very nice feature (in Dutch) about the game including an interview, photos and 3 gameplay movies (1, 2 and 3)
Sources: Oddworld Universe

Xbox Attitude zooms in on Stranger
Xbox Attitude made a very nice Zoom (in French) on Stranger’s Wrath. It includes some never before seen art!
Sources: Xbox Attitude

Gamekult zooms in on Stranger
Gamekult made a Zoom on Oddworld’s next game (in French). The article comes along with 46 screenshots! (old and new)!
Sources: Gamekult

More Xboxyde exclusivity
More new artwork and the major part of the video demonstration of Oddworld Stranger’s Wrath at Xboxyde are accompanied by a level‐headed but hopeful preview in the third section of their video exclusive series.
Sources: Xboxyde

Exclusive videos at Xboxyde
There are new screenshots and art, plus two exclusive new videos to be found at Xboxyde. The goodies come in two parts: Part 1 and Part 2. The second video is the first of a series totalling 25 minutes, while the first is an introduction. There is more content from Xboxyde to follow tomorrow!
Sources: Xboxyde

Huge boxart released
Xavier has discovered a very large image of the Oddworld Stranger’s Wrath boxart from Electronic Arts’ German site. The picture measures 1 525 by 2 160 pixels, and shows the German boxart (with the Deutsch Rating).

2004 Holiday cards delivered
Many thanks to REGNARTS for sending us a scan of a preview for Oddworld Stranger’s Wrath from the U.S. GamePro magazine, issue 196, the January 2005 edition.
oddguy has reported on the Forums that this year’s holiday card from OWI has arrived, but has elected not to scan in the front image so everyone is surprised when they open theirs.

Stranger across Europe
Oddworld Stranger over the world:
- Oddworld Stranger’s Wrath in the United Kingdom. (vote for him here)
- Oddworld La Fureur de l’Étranger in France. (vote for him here)
- Oddworld Strangers Vergeltung in Germany.
- Oddworld Stranger’s Wrath in Holland.
- Oddworld Stranger’s Wrath in Poland.
- Oddworld Stranger’s Wrath in Svergie.

New videos now available
Remember the 10 new but unreachable videos over at IGN we mentionned yesterday? Well you can download them via GameStats! This is an amazing amount of Gameplay footage!

New screenshots on XboxYde
XboxYde gives us 47 new and old ScreenShots. (Warning, there are spoilers inside!)

GameSpot profiles Oulaws
GameSpot provide us new Character Profiles, this time it’s about the outlaws you will meet (and hunt) in the 2 first regions of the game! The article comes with 37 pieces of Hi Ress Art.
Sources: MojoMan220

Two new videos on IGN
GameSpot released two new videos for Oddworld Stranger’s Wrath, the first showcasing shooting at enemies, the second demostrating some destructable qualities of the levels; however, the links to both movies were swiftly removed. Fortunately, they can be found on the Oddworld Forums courtesy of Xavier.

Lorne reveals Citizen Siege
Oddworld Inhabitants have plans to birth another world… that’s right, something else then Oddworld, but made by the same team. The project is called Citizen Siege! You can read everything we know about over at Computerand And Video Games. Oddworld Inhabitants are going to be more political then ever, but will still do Oddworld base games.
Sources: Computer and Video Games

Raymond Swanland’s designer diary
A new designer diary has been posted on GameSpy, written by production designer and illustrator Raymond Swanland. In it, he talks about how he came to Oddworld, the philosophy and ideas that appeal to him, and the birth and design of Stranger, as well as the design of the crossbow and the other new characters that inhabit the Mongo Valley. Included in the article are beautiful new pieces of artwork.
Sources: Ann Neely

Ten new videos on IGN
According to Dualist, there are 10 new videos on IGN, but the page containing them will not load.
Sources: Dualist

GameSpot updates preview
GameSpot has written an Updated Look Preview, they saw some of the later levels and they are even more excited about the game! The preview comes along with 12 new ScreenShots.

New media on IGN
IGN gives us ‘new details, impressions, screens and movies’ in this brand new 2 page Feature! Some exclusive art for everybody, and a new movie but only for insiders!

Official site updates, December 2004 has been updated for the month of December, with all‐new What’s New, an Inhabitant Interview with game tester John Clayton, a few new magazine covers, brand new questions asked and answered as Alf goes through more fan mail in Dear Alf, and an interview with the newest Fan of the Month, the Oddworld Forums’ and Oddworld‐Web’s very own oddguy.
There is also a link to a new promotional site for Oddworld: Stranger’s Wrath by EA Games. It includes exclusive screenshots, an exclusive video, and a page summing up the features of the game. Be sure to take a look at the editorial.

New videos on GameSpot
There are 4 new Gameplay Videos over at GameSpot! Make sure you saw them! Live Ammo in nature, Destroyable items, Sniping, Stealth Killing and a Boss Fight are some of the things that are showed.

Prima Guide pre‐orderable
Prima’s official game guide to Oddworld: Stranger’s Wrath is now available to pre‐order from and, where it is retailing for $10·19 and £7·06 respectively. Thanks to Incognito for finding and reporting this.
Sources: Incognito

Oddworld: La Fueur de l'Étranger
The December issue of Le Magazine Officiel Xbox contains a cover article on Oddworld: Stranger’s Wrath, which has recently been given the official title Oddworld: La Fueur de l'Étranger according to ‘MaX’ at Xbox Atomic. Le Magazine Officiel Xbox en Ligne features an editorial by Cyril Berrebi, chief editor of MOX.
XBOX is offering readers the chance to win a copy of this magazine signed by Lorne Lanning! To enter, simply follow the link ‘Participez vite !’ and fill in the poll and your details. (Xav believes anyone can enter, but there is no option to select your country.)
Oddworld: Stranger’s Wrath is now at 38% in the U.K. EA Games website poll entitled What game are you most looking forward to?, beating LoTR, The Battle for Middle‐Earth by a full 4%.

Oddworld Needs You!
Vote now for Oddworld: Stranger’s Wrath as the game you are most looking forward to on the UK EA Games website. Currently Stranger is lagging at just 3%, the next highest entry being TimeSplitters Future Perfect at 13%. LoTR, The Battle for Middle‐Earth stands in a secure first position with 55%.
Once again, Oddworld needs you!

PAL Movies of Oddworld up for grabs
Well done to all the Oddworld fans who have contributed to lifting Oddworld: Stranger’s Wrath up to a grand 36% in the poll on EAGames’s U.K. homepage, bringing it into equal first position, shared by Battle for Middle‐Earth. Esus has also spotted that the Stranger’s Wrath box art appears on the game’s page on, also.
Alf has also reported on the Oddworld Forums that an English PAL version of the bonus DVD being given away on the U.S. EBGames website with every pre‐order of Stranger will be released, though an Australian distribution could not be confirmed.
Sources: Alf

Gigex interviews Lorne
There is a new interview with Lorne Lanning over at Gigex. Thank you to Oddguy to first mentionning it on the oddworld forums.
GameSpot updated a second Character Profile, this time it’s about Live Ammo! They updated it along with 19 awesome pieces of artwork.
Sources: Oddguy

Kikizo preview
There is a new preview over at Kikizo featuring old pictures and an old video, but you can still take a look.