March 2007

More Stranger’s Wrath music now available
Michael Bross, composer of the soundtracks to Munch’s Oddysee and Stranger’s Wrath, has published six MP3s of music from Stranger’s Wrath that were not previously available. The files can be downloaded for free from his personal website, where each is accompanied by a short blurb. Michael is providing these tracks in gratitude for the fans’ support of him and his work.
Also available on the same page are the ten tracks from Stranger’s Wrath previously published on, along with their original blurbs. Michael says he hopes one day to release an official soundtrack for the game.
Sources: Michael Bross

Lorne supporting Hollywood Games Summit
Lorne Lanning is amongst the advisory board members supporting the Second Annual Hollywood and Games Summit, which will bring together executives of both industries to discuss the increasing unification of film and interactive entertainment, and the creative, technological, and business issues relating to this growing relationship. This follows several interviews and presentations in which Lorne has emphasized the need to foster and understand this emerging, truely multimedia method of storytelling.
The Summit, which is presented jointly by The Hollywood Reporter and the Game Developers Conference, takes place at the Renaissance Hollywood Hotel on 26–27 June 2007. Its schedule and speakers have yet to be announced, so Lorne may take the opportunity to deliver a speech on the topic.
Sources: PR Newswire