
GameCity 3 label by Lorne

Story 483 reported by Max on
Tuesday, 30th September 2008 at 10·10 a.m. BST

The folks behind GameCity 3 have partnered with Nottingham’s Castle Rock Brewery to launch their first festival beer—​Fine Ale Fantasy. The beer’s name was chosen by Paul Treneary in video game radio show One Life Left’s competition ‘What’s the Pint?’. The ale’s pump clip and bottle label will be designed by none other than Lorne Lanning.

Lorne appeared at the first GameCity where he delivered the festival’s keynote speech, in which he first announced Citizen Siege. This years event takes place in Nottingham, U.K. from 30 October to 1 November.

Sources: GameCity website


Stories from September 2008
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