September 2008


GameCity 3 label by Lorne

Story 483 reported by Max on
Tuesday, 30th September 2008 at 10·10 a.m. BST

The folks behind GameCity 3 have partnered with Nottingham’s Castle Rock Brewery to launch their first festival beer—​Fine Ale Fantasy. The beer’s name was chosen by Paul Treneary in video game radio show One Life Left’s competition ‘What’s the Pint?’. The ale’s pump clip and bottle label will be designed by none other than Lorne Lanning.

Lorne appeared at the first GameCity where he delivered the festival’s keynote speech, in which he first announced Citizen Siege. This years event takes place in Nottingham, U.K. from 30 October to 1 November.

Sources: GameCity website



Abe wins Ugliest Hero award

Story 482 reported by Max on
Tuesday, 30th September 2008 at 9·53 a.m. BST

GameDaily has awarded Abe of Oddworld the title of ‘Ugliest Hero’ in their feature ‘The Top Ten Ugliest Game Heroes’. Feature author Robert Workman adds: ‘Still, he’s charming enough that we wouldn't mind seeing him in a sequel.’

Sources: Alcar, GameDaily

Discuss on the Oddworld Forums


Xbox Oddworld destined for Steam

Story 481 reported by Max on
Monday, 8th September 2008 at 2·27 p.m. BST

Lorne has spoken to Tom Bramwell of Eurogamer and confirmed that the Xbox‐exclusive Oddworld titles Oddworld: Munch’s Oddysee and Oddworld Stranger’s Wrath will be available as PC games from the Steam Network ‘in the not too distant future.’ In his recent interview with Lorne, Nate was told that these conversions would wait for good Steam sales of the Abe games.

Sources: Eurogamer



Lorne: Consoles are a problem

Story 480 reported by Max on
Saturday, 6th September 2008 at 11·54 a.m. BST

After taking the stage at NVISION 08, Lorne Lanning sat down with GameDaily BIZ’s John Gaudiosi to talk about console vs. PC game development, user‐created content, fitting games into our increasingly fragmented daily lives, and talks a bit about the next Oddworld game, news of which was slipped by Jeff Braun earlier in the year.

Also, the final part of Nate’s interview with Lorne has now been published. Lorne talks about the bettering of the Oddworld universe, the new cast of Stranger, and the Oddworld theme tune.

Sources: GameDaily BIZ


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