The Oddworld Archives open
My latest creation is finally online: The Oddworld Archives! This site is dedicated to everything related to Oddworld and is trying to backup it all. You can find there articles or even minisites that aren’t online anymore anywhere else. I hope you will enjoy your visit there.
Discuss on the Oddworld Forums
Anonymous on Friday, 2nd September 2005 at 2·32 a.m.
Nevermind just read the comments from two blogs back.
Anonymous on Friday, 2nd September 2005 at 2·30 a.m.
Will someone please tell me why I can't get on the forums!?=/
Odd Chick on Thursday, 1st September 2005 at 9·30 p.m.
Fantastic! I can't wait to check them out. ;)
Nepharski on Thursday, 1st September 2005 at 5·00 a.m.
Capital! Simply smashing!
Alf's Assistant on Wednesday, 31st August 2005 at 4·37 a.m.
Congrats Xavier on a job well done! I'll be referring to these archives in the future!
Anonymous on Wednesday, 31st August 2005 at 2·40 a.m.
What's wrong with Oddworld Forums
Esus on Tuesday, 30th August 2005 at 11·01 p.m.
Wow, you even saved those magazine transcripts I had on Oddworld Junkie.... Really well done, Xav!
Big Bro Boogie on Tuesday, 30th August 2005 at 9·29 p.m.
Woo! Launched! Yayzor!
Oddish on Tuesday, 30th August 2005 at 9·26 p.m.
Yay, it's finally here :D
I'll check it out! :P