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The Quest for Art, Entertainment, and Big Bucks
Oddworld Stranger’s Wrath has been mentioned in Gamasutra’s feature: ‘Underated Games?’. They definatly agree with the fans: ‘It’s a fantastic game that didn’t get the advertising it should have.’
Lorne Lanning has been mentionned in Heather Chaplin and Aaron Ruby’s book: Smart Bomb. You can read the first chapter on NPR. Here’s the Oddworld part, the context is an award ceremony:
There’s Munch’s Oddysee, the sad tale/adventure game of a one‐eyed aquatic creature on the verge of extinction, who must liberate his species, helped by an ex‐slave with a pinhead and chronic flatulence named Abe. The game’s animation is creative and original, and its story is subversive, at least by main‐stream entertainment standards. Its creator, Lorne Lanning, of Oddworld Inhabitants, is a thirty‐seven‐year‐old former painter and hydraulic amusement‐park‐ride inventor, who does the character animation and voice acting himself. Lanning is six feet three inches, with recently cut‐off long black hair, a pointy goatee, and a Cary Grant‐like elegance. Ask him what his religious inclination is; ‘Jedi,’ he’ll tell you.
Sources: NPR

Xbox360 backward compatibility?
The two Oddworld games that were released on Xbox (Oddworld: Munch’s Oddysee and Oddworld Stranger’s Wrath) aren’t yet in the Xbox360 backward compatibility list. This could be a problem if the folks at Microsoft choose to not make them available, meaning then that the 2 games would be playable on the ‘old’ Xbox only.
Be sure that if the games are made backward compatible you’ll be informed here.
Sources: Xbox360 backward compatibility list

Lorne’s art appears in Ballistic’s VERSAGE
I know I report this a bit late, but anyway: Lorne Lanning’s artwork ‘Dino’ has been selected for Ballistic Publishing’s VESAGE. The proof can be found in the page gallery.

Edge interviews Lorne
Lorne Lanning has been interviewed by Edge. Nothing about his next project(s), but it’s still very nice to read.

Abe’s Oddysee nominated amongst greatest 50 games
Greatest50Games is running a poll for two months as every year, asking people to vote for their favourite games. Oddworld: Abe’s Oddysee [PSX] has been added to the list and allready has 19 votes (and is currently on number 18). Go vote now!

Lorne Lanning on G4 special: Violence in Games
G4 has a special feature about the evolution of violence in videogames, covering games such as Mortal Kombat, Doom, Night Trap and GTA. The intresting point is that it is also featuring an interview with Lorne Lanning (you can see him at the end of the trailer). Thanks to Oddguy of the Oddworld Forums for the head up.
Sources: Oddguy

Photos from a Wal‐Mart world
A report of Lorne Lanning’s multi‐media presentation called ‘In a Wal‐Mart world, Creative is a dirty word’ has been posted on the IGDA site. The text is the same as the one on GBGames that was reported the 2005‐08‐26. The new tidbits are the pictures showing Lorne (1 & 2).

Electronic Gaming Monthly takes Lorne’s job
The October issue of Electronic Gaming Monthly features a two‐page ‘Take This Job’ article on Lorne Lanning, in which he describes his past career and gives helpful hints on how to enter the industry.
It’s also around about now that Oddworld Inhabitants should be celebrating its eleventh birthday.

MO game section updated
The game section of Munch’s Oddysee has been updated on the official site, no new content, just a nice new layout.

The Oddworld Archives open
My latest creation is finally online: The Oddworld Archives! This site is dedicated to everything related to Oddworld and is trying to backup it all. You can find there articles or even minisites that aren’t online anymore anywhere else. I hope you will enjoy your visit there.

GBGames in Lorne’s ‘Walmart world’
GBGames had the opportunity to attend Lorne’s ‘In a Wal-Mart world, Creative is a dirty word’ presentation and has done a great report on his blog.
Sources: GBGames

HaCk3d by Mr.NsSaF!!
Just a temporary post to allay the fears of the Forumites. Dave (Forum name eludes me) and I were able to hunt some info on the hacker. He appears to be telling the truth about being from the United Arab Emirates. His first known target was the Arab, hence his on‐screen moniker. He’s been targetting all vBulletin message boards that haven’t yet upgraded from 3.03, and unfortunately that’s us. Luckily, I was able to phone Alcar and wake him up to tell him to sort things out. Oh boy, and did we have some fun tonight?
Some related links:-
Zone‐H | The Admin Zone (as cached by Google)
Sources: The Admin Zone

In a Wal‐Mart world, Creative is a dirty word
Lorne Lanning will be speaking at the meeting for the Chicago chapter of the IGDA (the International Game Developers Association) on the evening of Tuesday, August 23rd.
He will be speaking in a multi‐media presentation called ‘In a Wal‐Mart world, Creative is a dirty word’. Where he will be talking about the creative process, sources of inspiration, how Yoda saved his life, why the label of ‘Creative’ has become a liability, how game engines will change film making forever, the importance of modern mythology in our corporate owned media landscape, why owning your own brand can be a handicap in today’s marketplace, and how digital distribution is the great hope for creatives as we continue heading deeper into a brave new world of media.
Dan Choi of Joystiq will be there and is going to ask Lorne a few questions, if you have some good question ideas drop them in the comment section of his article.
Sources: Dan Choi

TOGG updated with Brutal Ballad of Fangus production artwork
Xavier has updated The Oddworld Graphics Gallary with seventeen inspirational concept images by OWI designer Silvio Aebischer. This pre‐production art created for The Brutal Ballad of Fangus Klot offers possible insight into the creative content intended for use in the game before OWI closed internal production.
Oddworld Stranger’s Wrath has, surprisingly, entered the U.K. charts at 23rd place, according to Chart Track and Games Asylum. This has been attributed to retailer Game dropping the price to just $pound;9·99.
Sources: Silvio Aebischer

A page has been created
A page has been created with all the known Oddworld Creatures, take a look over here

Lorne at Video Games Live pre‐show event
Lorne Lanning was present at the pre‐show event of the VideoGames Live July the 6th. It isn’t clear yet if Lorne Lanning will be present during the whole tour, but I doubt he will. features behind Abe’s Oddysee’s scenes
Atusyia found a copy of’s feature: ‘Behind the Game: Oddworld: Abe’s Oddysey’. The fact it’s about Abe’s Oddysee is a bit surprising, but it may be because Abe is going to do a comeback.
Sources: Atusyia publishes Stranger boss walkthroughs has put up some walkthroughs for Oddworld Stranger’s Wrath, including Boilz Booty, Eugene Ius, Filthy Hands Floyd and the Looten Duke.

Lorne discusses future of gaming at VES Festival
According to Computer Graphics World is Lorne Lanning going to be a panelist at the ‘Next generation: The future of Gaming’ discussion at the Ves Festival tomorrow (25 june), notice that both Lorne Lanning and Sherry McKenna are members of the Visual Effects Society.
Also has put up some tricks to beat the bosses of Oddworld Stranger’s Wrath.
Sources: Computer Graphics World

Edinburgh Interactive Entertainment Festival ’05
Oddworld Stranger’s Wrath has been nominated for the EIEF05 Edge Award at Edinburgh Interactive Entertainment Festival.