
From Oddworld Library

Stumpy is a character in a draft of an Oddworld film. His name appears in a photograph of a story timeline published inside Inside Game Design, along with key plot points for the character. The timeline states that Stumpy is an artificial inseminator at RuptureFarms, Abe's cellmate, and a realist.[1]

According to the plot points on the story timeline, Stumpy is summoned to an urgent meeting, but fails to attend due to his attending the delivery of a baby Bull. Still dirty from the procedure, he finds Abe (ruining the moment between Abe and Parix) and takes him to the baby Bull.

Later in the story, Stumpy overhears Molluck's plan, although the plan remains unknown to the audience, and is unstated in the story timeline.

A concept painting by Lorne Lanning depicts Abe and a shorter character, possibly Stumpy, examining rock art in a cave.[2]

According to Wil Bunce-Edwards, an earlier name for Stumpy may have been Tobey.[3]


  1. Iain Simons (). Inside Game Design. London, United Kingdom: Laurence King Publishers.
  2. Lorne Lanning (). Oddworld film concept painting. ‘More Oddworld film art’. OddBlog. Oddworld Library.
  3. Wil Bunce-Edwards [buncible] (). Reply to Maximal Munch [azoth2335] (). Message. #oddworld_discussions. Forums. Oddworld Forums. Discord. San Francisco, California: Discord Inc.