7th Awards |
- Best Avatar
- Best Photo
- Most Likely to Still Be Here in 20 Years
12th Awards |
- Best Modder/Hacker
- Most Stoic
13th Awards |
- User Who Writes Plenty of Blogs but Probably Shouldn't
- Most Frequent yet Undesirable Poster
- Most Infrequent Poster (Who Should Post More)
- Drama Queen of the Year
- Most Pretentious Bastard
- Veteran that Needs to Go
- Worst Newcomer
- Most Triggered Poster (MTP)
- Best 80s Poster
- Most Unwelcome Return
- Worst Admin
- Best "OWF Is Dead" Blog
- Best Legs
- Biggest Stickler for the Rules
- Best ARG Player
- Most Naive
- Most Happy-Go-Lucky
- Member With the Worst Taste in Oddworld Games
- Edgelord of the Year
- Worst Text Wall Generator
- Best Text Wall Generator
- Worst Artist
- "Most Frequently Seen in ""Who's Online?"" But is
- Never Actually Seen Posting"
- Most Likely to have a Musical Number
- Gayest Member
- Least Missed Member
- Narrow Escapes from Necrum
- Member Most Deserving of a Custom Title (And Suggest What it Should Be)
- Best OWI Staff Member (Who's Active on the Forums)
- Worst English of the Year
- Most Boring Thread Creator of the Year
- Greatest Cunt
- Best Host of the Awards Thread This Year
- Greatest Drama of the Year
- Quote of the Year
- Forum Highlight of the Year
14th Awards |
- Best Oddworld Discord Server