June 2005

Xbox.com publishes Stranger boss walkthroughs
Xbox.com has put up some walkthroughs for Oddworld Stranger’s Wrath, including Boilz Booty, Eugene Ius, Filthy Hands Floyd and the Looten Duke.

Lorne discusses future of gaming at VES Festival
According to Computer Graphics World is Lorne Lanning going to be a panelist at the ‘Next generation: The future of Gaming’ discussion at the Ves Festival tomorrow (25 june), notice that both Lorne Lanning and Sherry McKenna are members of the Visual Effects Society.
Also EAgames.com has put up some tricks to beat the bosses of Oddworld Stranger’s Wrath.
Sources: Computer Graphics World

Edinburgh Interactive Entertainment Festival ’05
Oddworld Stranger’s Wrath has been nominated for the EIEF05 Edge Award at Edinburgh Interactive Entertainment Festival.

G4 nominates Stranger for G‐Phoria awards
Voting for the third annual G‐Phoria Awards can now be done online. Oddworld Stranger’s Wrath has been nominated for the category of ‘Best Cinematic’, and the Stranger himself for the ‘Favourite Character’ category.
The winners will be announced on G4 at 20:00 Eastern Time (17:00 Pacific Time) on 9th August, 2005.

OWI in talks with media conglomerates
Bizjournals.com reports that:
The company is in talks with several media conglomerates to create the first Oddworld movie and ‘Citizen Siege,’ a new title that may appear first on film, television or in games.
Sources: Bizjournals.com

Oddworld in The Art of Maya
Some art of Oddworld Inhabitant and it’s game Stranger’s Wrath will be featured in the The Art of Maya 3rd Edition book according to Alias’ press release. Thanks to Oddish for the head up.
Sources: Oddish

UnforgivingEdges’s Oddworld radio programme downloadable
UnforgivingEdges’ Oddworld show is finally available to download. You can pick it up here (33MB). Notice the show was originally aired April 6th 2005.