September 2005

Photos from a Wal‐Mart world
A report of Lorne Lanning’s multi‐media presentation called ‘In a Wal‐Mart world, Creative is a dirty word’ has been posted on the IGDA site. The text is the same as the one on GBGames that was reported the 2005‐08‐26. The new tidbits are the pictures showing Lorne (1 & 2).

Electronic Gaming Monthly takes Lorne’s job
The October issue of Electronic Gaming Monthly features a two‐page ‘Take This Job’ article on Lorne Lanning, in which he describes his past career and gives helpful hints on how to enter the industry.
It’s also around about now that Oddworld Inhabitants should be celebrating its eleventh birthday.

MO game section updated
The game section of Munch’s Oddysee has been updated on the official site, no new content, just a nice new layout.