January 2005

Oddworld.com celebrates Stranger’s release
Oddworld.com uploaded their main page to celebrate the release of Oddworld Stranger’s Wrath! They also uploaded a page summing up the reviews of Oddworld Stranger’s Wrath, go take a look to make up your mind if it isn’t done yet.

Edmonton Sun and Inside Gamer Online review OSW
Steve Tilley of Edmonton Sun reviewed the game and gave it 4 stars out of 5.
Inside Gamer Online posted a review and gave the game: Gameplay: 10 out of 10; Graphics: 9 out of 10; Sound: 7 out of 10; Value: 8 out of 10; Tilt: 9 out of 10 and Overal: 8.6 out of 10.
MondoXbox has put up a preview, but it’s in Italian.
Oddworld‐Web has updated its Live Ammo Page.

Stranger continues to be reviewed
allXbox.com’s Mark Leonard has written a ‘Closer Look’ at Oddworld Stranger’s Wrath, indeed going into the history and origins of Oddworld Inhabitants, and Lorne’s artistic inspiration as a child. GamePro’s Star Dingo has reviewed the game, awarding it 4·5 out of 5, while Reubin Montgomery of PopCultureShock has given the game an A+, saying it is ‘destined to become a classic.’

Prima releases Stranger eGuide
Oddworld Universe has discovered that Prima Games have released the online version of their official game guide to Oddworld Stranger’s Wrath. The official eGuide costs U.S. $9·99, and is available immediately. The website features an eight‐page .pdf preview of the guide.
The 1Up Network has uploaded a transcript of EGM’s review of Stranger’s Wrath in which Mark MacDonald, Dan Hsu and Greg Ford each awarded the game 8·5 out of 10.
Sources: Oddworld Universe

Xbox Advanced recounts OWI’s history
Xbox Advanced released the fourth part of their ‘Week Long Special’, today they provide us the Company History of Oddworld Inhabitants. A good read if you don’t know much about the 2 founders of Oddworld Inhabitants.

Swanland designs Crown of Souls
Raymond Swanland, production designer for Oddworld Inhabitants, has created a cover artwork for the new album of the heavy metal group Deeds Of Flesh: Crown of Souls. You can see a preview of the cover here and download it as .PSD file over here. You can also notice Raymond’s art is all over the site’s layout.
EDIT: you can see an Hi‐ress version over here. Enjoy this masterpiece!

Buzzarton overview released
To celebrate the U.S. release of Oddworld Stranger’s Wrath, OddBlog has written a concise article covering the history of the title’s development. The overview of region two from the game, Buzzarton, has also been uploaded. Look out for more Stranger’s Wrath goodness from OddBlog soon!
Please note: the celebratory article is no longer available; a revised development history of Stranger’s Wrath currently figures for The Oddworld Encyclopædia. The Buzzarton overview will become available with the relaunch of The Oddworld Scriptures.

EA minisite uploads downloads
The downloads section of the EA promotial site of Oddworld Stranger’s Wrath has finally been released: you can download the Fan Site Kit on there, or simply the wallpapers that can be found in the FSK.

OddChat online
MojoMan220 has found yet another review of Oddworld Stranger’s Wrath. Worthplaying has awarded the game an impressive 9·2 out of 10, as well as Editor’s Choice.
In addition, Alcar is reporting that OddChat is finally back online!
Sources: MojoMan220 and Alcar

Oddworld Stranger’s Wrath released in U.S.
Today is the big day! Oddworld Stranger’s Wrath is released in North America. If you live over there go grab a copy now. If you live in Europe you’ll have to wait 3 March 2005.
Have fun with the game!

Cheat! № 5002 recorded
Xbox Advanced released the second part of their ‘Week Long Special’, it’s a massive feature about Live Ammo and Enemies!
Game Over Online reviewed the game. Official Xbox Magazine UK gave 8·3 out of 10 and the Official Xbox Magazine gave 8·7 out of 10.
Mojoman220 recorded episode № 5002 of Cheat! featuring some Inhabitants giving tips for the game. Oddworld Universe is the one who hosts the video.
Sources: Mojoman220

GamePro and Joypad review Stranger
GamePro has reviewed Stranger’s Wrath and gave it: Graphics: 4·5 out of 5; Sound: 4·0 out of 5; Control: 4·5 out of 5 and Fun factor: 4·5 out of 5. Thanks to Genki Katchum for providing some scans (1 and 2) and to Oddworld Universe for the head up.
The French magazine Joypad (issue № 149) reviewed the game and gave: Graphics: 5 out of 6; Sound: 4 out of 6; Control: 4 out of 6; Lasting Appeal: 4 out of 6 and thus an overall 8 out of 10. They also awarded the game a ‘Mega Star Joypad’
Oddworld Universe also kindly uploaded some artwork released by EA, go grab it on the Oddworld Forums.
Sources: Genki Katchum and Oddworld Universe

Oddworld Stranger’s Wrath shipped
EA have announced that Oddworld Stranger’s Wrath has been shipped to stores across the U.S. ready for the title’s release tomorrow, 2005‐01‐26. Read the full story according to Tim Surette on GameSpot.
GameSpot have also uploaded three new videos: two new movies of gameplay footage, and a video review.
We would like to point out that the overview of the first region in Oddworld Stranger’s Wrath has been updated to provide more up‐to‐date information. However, older information can still be read and is marked with a line‐through.
Sources: Tim Surette of GameSpot

Oddworld Universe prize giveaway
Oddworld Universe is back with lots of contents and infos. And to celebrate his comeback, Alcar is giving away some Oddworld prizes.
Sources: Oddworld Universe

Stranger reviews
MojoMan220 found 3 reviews of Oddworld Stranger’s Wrath:
Gamespot gave 8·5 out of 10, and posted along 13 screenshots and a video review
TeamXbox gave 9·1 out of 10, awarded it ‘Editor’s Choise’ and added 30 screenshots to their gallery.
IGN gave: Presentation: 9·0 out of 10; Graphics: 9·5 out of 10; Sound:9·0 out of 10; Gameplay: 8·5 out of 10; Lasting Appeal: 8·0 out of 10 wich boils down to an overall 8·8.
Alcar found 2 other articles:
1UP reviewed the game and gave 8·0 out of 10.
Xbox Advanced made a video preview and are planning to do a ‘Week Long Special’ for the game.
Sources: MojoMan220 and Alcar

Prima guide transcribed
Sligster has got the Prima Official Game Guide to Oddworld Stranger’s Wrath, and transcribed some of the characters’ info on the Oddworld Forums.
Sources: Sligster

Oddworld Online redesigned
Miss Odd posted on the Oddworld Forums to tell us that she had changed the layout of her site: Oddworld Online. Go take a look, it’s superb.
Sources: Miss Odd

Oddworld‐Web given Stranger design
Abe Babe and Oddguy have been working hard on Oddworld‐Web, which has now finally been opened to the public. Featuring a brand‐new Stranger‐theme design, the first design change since it first opened in 2000, OWW’s premiere exclusive is an interview with Alf covering many aspects of Oddworld Stranger’s Wrath. This marks the welcome return of one of the online Oddworld fan communities longest‐lasting fansites.

Gizzard Gulch description
EA have released an overview of the first region in Oddworld Stranger’s Wrath, Gizzard Gulch. OddBlog has transcribed the overview for everyone’s pleasure. However, as it contains biographies and dossiers on the characters as well as detailed plot information, OddBlog has classified the page as a spoiler not to be looked at by those wishing to discover the details and nuances of the game and its Inhabitants themselves.
Please note: this document is currently not available. It will be uploaded as part of The Oddworld Scriptures some time in the future. We apologise; however, if you wish to read the file, we will happily email it to you. Email Max for further information.
Sources: EA Games

Lorne and Sherry join GNOMON Advisory Board
Phil Theobald has reviewed Oddworld Stranger’s Wrath on GameSpy, awarding it four‐and‐a‐half stars out of five and an ‘Editor’s Choice.’ Credit goes to Mojoman220 for discovering this.
The second part of GameZone’s interview with Lorne Lanning, ‘It’s an Odd World After All: Lorne Lanning Gamespeaks’, has been posted. In it, Lorne talks about the length and depth of Oddworld Stranger’s Wrath, the attachment OWI forms with the characters, and the difficulty of constructing game codes and engines.
The GNOMON School of Visual Arts has released a press release to announce that Lorne Lanning and Sherry McKenna have joined the school’s Advisory Board, to offer expert advice on the expansion of their curriculem. It includes a comprehensive overview of the pair’s backgrounds, achievments and accolades, as well as a summary of the Oddworld franchise’s many and varied awards and acknowledgements.
Sources: Mojoman220

Live Ammo videos for Insiders
IGN has posted several high‐quality videos of Live Ammo in action, but they are available only to IGN Insiders.

G4TV interviews Lorne
Oddguy spotted an interview with Lorne Lanning on the G4TechTV site.
Sources: Oddguy

Lorne answers and Inhabitants Cheat! on G4 TechTV
According to Oddworld.com’s press page, Lorne Lanning will answer questions from the hosts and viewers of G4TV on January 21st at 7 p.m. PST (info on calling in); and some Inhabitants will give away cheats and insider tips including ammo combos, secret areas, etc. in episode №5002 of Cheat!, which premieres on January 25th 7 p.m. PST/10 p.m. EST. All this goodness on G4 TechTV.
Sources: Oddworld.com

GameZone interviews Lorne
GameZone posted an interview with Lorne Lanning. Nothing really intresting, and I have to say the PS2 version was officially cancelled 3 months ago.

Man!ac playing cards
Oddguy posted scans of the 2 last sets of cards (1 and 2) given in the German MAN!AC magazine.
Sources: Oddworld‐Web

Stranger’s Wrath Fan Site Kit
There are 3 new preview of Oddworld Stranger’s Wrath: one over at eToychest, another one at Game Informer, and a last one over at CVG.
But way better: Oddworld.com has uploaded the Oddworld Stranger’s Wrath official Fan Site Kit! It contains 30 avatars, 8 concept art, 15 design elements, the packart (also a version without logos), 14 Outlaw Boss Cards, 5 wallpapers (each in 1600×1200, 1024×768 and 800×600), and a couple of logos. Go grab the goodness now!

Matt Jarbo reviews Stranger’s Wrath
Matt Jarbo reviewed Oddworld Stranger’s Wrath and the scores are: Design: 9/10; Gameplay: 9/10; Graphics/Sound: 9/10; Reviewer’s Bias: 9/10; and thus Overall Score: 9/10. Go to GameDreamZ to read the review.

WorthPlaying previews Stranger’s Wrath
WorthPlaying posted their preview about Oddworld Stranger’s Wrath. The article contains new and old screenshots.

Abe Mania opens
Fuzzle Guy has posted on the Oddworld Forums to tell us that his fansite has opened: “Abe Mania”. Mostly dedicated to fan art.
Sources: Fuzzle Guy

Gamesreactor visits Oddworld Studio
GameReactor.se has put up a nice article, it isn’t in English, but you definatly have to look at the photos.

GameSpot profiles Grubbs
Gamespot uploaded lots of Oddworld goodies lately: The Grubbs Profile Page, 31 new Artworks and 2 new movies. Also, Justin Calvert, Associate Editor of GameSpot has picked up Oddworld Stranger’s Wrath as most anticipated game for 2005.

Lorne interview by Play magazine
REGNARTS has scanned 2 pages of the January issue of Play magazine (1 and 2) and posted them on the Oddworld Forums.
By the way, IGN has posted a 2 pages hands‐on preview, go check their impressions.

TeamXbox presents Stranger screenshots
TeamXbox has an handful of new screenshots.
Sources: TeamXbox

Movies of Oddworld boxart
Genki Katchum has posted a scan from Game Informer’s review of : 9·0 out of 10.
By the way you can see the cover of the bonus DVD on Game Crazy.
Sources: Genki Katchum

Xbox Nation and OXM review Stranger
Flying Scrab gave the scores of some reviews of Oddworld Stranger’s Wrath on the Oddworld Forums: Xbox Nation, 9·0 out of 10; Official Xbox Magazine, 8·7 out of 10.
Sources: Flying Scrab

EA Games’s Stranger minisite re‐updated
The updates to the eagames.com official Oddworld Stranger’s Wrath site reported a few days ago have returned: the screenshots, character profiles, interactive map and videos. Thanks go to Mojoman220 for rediscovering this.
Also, there is a supposedly ‘in depth look’ preview of Oddworld Stranger’s Wrath at Games Domain, and a new preview at TotalGames.net which features new screenshots, albeit very small ones.
Sources: MojoMan220

New Stranger media
Mojoman220 has found tons of new interesting news:
Xboxyde has uploaded its Gallery of Oddworld Stranger’s Wrath with screenshots and artWork (new and old).
TeamXbox has posted a feature, including movies commented by Lorne Lanning and additional info about the bonus DVD.
A preview on Inside Gamer Online and on Xbox Advanced.
IGN has uploaded 6 new fight movies.
Sources: MojoMan220

OXM and GamesMaster reviews
Godlesswanderer scanned some pages from the Official Xbox Magazine (1) and from the GamesMaster (1 and 2). More to come on the Oddworld Forums.
Sources: Godlesswanderer

Stranger’s Wrath goes gold
IGN has posted 61 screenshots and artwork (old and new) of Oddworld Stranger’s Wrath. Thanks to Mojoman220 for finding that.
Also, the Official Site has been updated… be sure to take a look. It makes some things official like the Movies of Oddworld bonus dvd that you can get by pre‐ordering Oddworld Stranger’s Wrath, the game going gold, and they asks you, fan, to spread the word about the game.
Sources: MojoMan220

Stranger’s Wrath leaked
Ethan Switch of The Wax Conspiracy has reviewed The Art of Oddworld Inhabitants: The First Ten Years 1994–2004. This amazing retrospective is still available to purchase from Ballistic Publishing.
The Oddworld Montage video posted in three parts on IGN recently is now available to download via BitTorrent from Xboxyde. The video is a large .avi file, so the latest codecs are likely required to view it.
Also, it has become obvious that a version of Oddworld Stranger’s Wrath has been leaked, and is illegally available for download from the Internet. OddBlog is asking people to come forward with information on the sources of this leak; please report any information you can to me. Thank you.

a gamers life reviews Stranger
A new review has been posted by Gunhero on a gamers life [sic].
A preview of Oddworld Stranger’s Wrath has also been posted by GamePro’s Four‐Eyed Dragon.

GamesMainFrame reviews Stranger
The second review of Oddworld Stranger’s Wrath has been posted by SilverKnight on GamesMainFrame.com. The article, which actually seems to be a preview, centres on the GTA aspects of the game, and has some criticisms of the audio in the game.

Screenshots on jeuxvideo.com
French gaming site jeuxvideo.com has uploaded a selection of screenshots. While most are not new, a couple were recently temporarily available on the official Oddworld Stranger’s Wrath minisite.

GameSpot profiles Clakkerz
GameSpot has uploaded yet another character profile, this time focusing on the Clakkerz. This is a very short article, but comes with plenty of new artwork.

New graphics, videos, and profiles
EA’s official Oddworld Stranger’s Wrath minisite has been updated with comprehensive character profiles, eighty‐nine new screenshots and images on a variety of subjects, and an interactive map of the Mongo Valley! Credit goes to Dualist.
In addition, GameSpy has uploaded eleven new videos, although only a few of their links work. Find the corrected links courtesy of Xavier on the Oddworld Forums.
Sources: Dualist

TeamXbox profiles Live Ammo
TeamXbox have posted the second of their character profiles, this time looking at the Live Ammo in Oddworld Stranger’s Wrath. The text is a rehash of GameSpot’s iteration, but there are new screenshots depicting the critters in action.

Stranger and Stranger
GameSpy’s Raymond Padilla has posted a hands‐on preview of Oddworld Stranger’s Wrath, while Jeremy Parish’s article from February 2005’s GMR, ‘Stranger and Stranger’, has been transcribed by 1Up. Covering the history of the Oddworld games series, the feature includes quotes from Lorne Lanning and retrospective looks at all three existing games by Oddworld Inhabitants.
Sources: Oddworld Universe

Gautam Babbar talks teamwork and iteration
GameSpy has posted the second developer’s diary for Oddworld Stranger’s Wrath. This time, Gautam Babber talks about teamwork and iteration in the construction of a game level, specifically the mine car chase approaching the Flint McGee boss.
MSXbox World has posted two videos, ‘The Good, the Bad and the Odd’ trailer and the game’s opening sequence. Both of these are much lower quality than previous videos, so users with less powerful computers may be able to see these sequences fluidly.
Genki Katchum has posted scans of EGM’s review of Oddworld Stranger’s Wrath in which all three reviewers gave the game a promising 8·5. Page 1 and page 2 can be found here. Many thanks, Genki.
Sources: Genki Katchum

Stranger’s Prima guide
IGN has uploaded 3 new movies about Oddworld Stranger’s Wrath.
By the way Oddworld.com’s Press Page has been updated. Including a link to the Prima Official Game Guide to Oddworld Stranger’s Wrath page over at PrimaGames.com.

Man!ac cards
Alector has been kind enough to buy the current issue of MAN!AC Magazine and scan in the playing cards on the Oddworld Forums. The cards featured are the 7s to aces of hearts and spades. The next batch will appear on 2005‐01‐28.
Sources: Alector

EGM scores Stranger 8·5
According to pyro bob of the TeamXbox Forums, EGM has scored several upcoming games. Oddworld Stranger’s Wrath is one of the highest‐scoring on the list, with three 8·5s.
Sources: pyro bob